Kelly Piccininni
Senior Director, HR Operations and Shared Services at Northside Hospital
The Susan G Komen 3 Day San Diego 2017 is one full of special memories for me. I walk for my mother, I walk for friends (too many of them), I walk for the patients of Northside Hospital Cancer Institute and I walk because I can for all of those that can't!
I appreciate all of the support that I received along this journey. That includes people that donated money, people that cheered us along the route, my husband that supported our team with each and every little errands, my teammates that kept me laughing the whole 60 miles, the volunteers that make the 3 Day possible, and mostly....the cancer warriors that NEVER give up.
Most of you already know how proud I am to be able to work with some of the most amazing clinicians in the country each day at Northside Hospital. They sent me off with good luck posters and just about every pink item that could be found in Georgia. I carried Northside Hospital with me each and every step of the 60 miles
I leave you with a quote that all 3 day survivors come to love: "We walk because we must. We are strong because the journey demands it. Together in body and united in spirit, we lay down our footsteps for this generation and the next. This is our promise: "A WORLD WITHOUT BREAST CANCER"
- About 200,000 new cases of invasive breast cancer are expected to be diagnosed in women and about 2,000 new cases in men each year in the U.S.
- One in eight women in the U.S. will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime.
- Every two minutes, one case of breast cancer is diagnosed in a woman in the U.S.
- In 2016, 40,450 women and 440 men are expected to die from breast cancer in the U.S.
- Early detection and effective treatment resulted in a 37 percent decline in breast cancer mortality (deaths) in the U.S. between1990-2013.
- Currently there are more than 3 million breast cancer survivors in the U.S.