I will vote for Kamala Harris on Nov. 5

I will vote for Kamala Harris on Nov. 5

There's only one issue that informs my vote in the 2024 presidential election.?? Does the candidate personify the principals upon which this country was founded and does that candidate believe that government exists to serve the people??? Kamala Harris meets that test in my opinion.?? Donald Trump does not.?? Trump has shown through actions, words and deeds that he is the antithesis of what it is to be an American.? He prevaricates and dissembles to benefit his personal interest. He plans and works to benefit Donald Trump with no regard to what is best for his country or his fellow countrymen.? And he has used, and continues to use, vile language, distortion and untruth to incite mobs and gangs against anyone or anything that gets in his way.?? Government of the people, by the people and for the people holds no interest for Trump.? And if he's elected, I fear that concept will be lost forever.? That’s why on Nov. 5, ?I will proudly, somberly and resolutely cast my vote for Kamala Harris, the only candidate in this election worthy of leading The United States of America.

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