I Unsuppressed My Emotions

I Unsuppressed My Emotions

I Unsuppressed My Emotions

I now realize respect and admire my feisty fortitude instantly unsuppressed my emotions uncompressed my feelings released…

My minds binds from my life as I realize I undid the lids mind put on my life to feeling my gut inspiration unleash my core chi because…

I now understand and respect all my suppressed emotions and compressed feelings are buried in my thinking knowing memory…

Minds that bind my thoughts to those hurt emotions and wounded feelings because I now concede painful emotions and feelings are…

The first to react to unsavory events occur in my life because the hurtful fury is buried in the easy times yet as soon trying time shows…

Up they pop right up and take over my life I now admit dissolve out of my life now and forever more as I now opened my heart eyes and…

Soul ears to hear my gut inspiration saturate my cells of hell yes let celebrate raising cane feeling my fame with emotions…

Of unconquerable utopia because I now understand concede and respect all negativity chaos and tragedies are raw revolutionary…

Audacious willpower for me to expand energize enterprise wisdom imagination lionizing lore passionately optimizing wise enlightened…

Revelations to rise from unseen unfathomable unexplainable and unsoiled sapience that subconsciously stimulate escalating…

Epiphanies as I ask… How is my spirit uneducated and uncultured utopians of my thaumaturgic universe? As I now cognize and…

Concede my school years embossed sneering comparison to smarter students and having to be perfect trying to please the teacher and…

My parents instill low self-esteem even though I tried to cover it all up by being arrogantly tuff pulling the wool of wimpy over…

My eyes put on phony tuff front to the world flew away with that phony dismay as I play on my vertical timeline of the divine wininity…

Because I now realize and admit everything in my mind is what I taught myself and embedded so I ask me…

How is my childhood reflected in my life today? I now grasp the crass of hiding behind my minds malice impotence nullifying dreams…

Because I taught myself that social stature was the way I had to live my life was my moldy old misconceptions interpreting my life…

Through worn out beliefs viewpoints opinions covered up wounded emotions and distressed feelings were pent up in my thinking…

Knowing memory mind reeling to oblivion today because I now that I now realize I was taught myself negativity to fit in with society…

Because I had to match the bitching and backbiting that was going on around me myself and I now say good bye to that rat a tat crapbird…

Flew away today as I asked me… How will my unsuppressed emotions unstressed my life blessing me? I unadulterated effrontery emotions…

Keenly electrified maverick on top of the world trailblazers insight opens nervy sovereignty exude from my prudent poised passions…

As I now realize my emotions are the actuations or agitations of my feelings so when I suppressed my emotions I blocked and locked…

My feelings sealing up that ruinous leeches because I sealed up to my conscious mind yet my unconscious mind was binded into that event…

*As I let go through frustration and agitation because I weaved them into my belief system viewpoints I now feel my gladiator gumption…

Unleash my emotional spirit to sense powerful internal revelation invigorate today as I now admit and get I tried change my life…

Through thinking with positive thoughts yet memories suppressed me into my old ways till today I realize admit get and admire…

My emotions energize mojo optimism tantalizing imaginative omnificence nurturing newbright inlightenmint that sweetens…

My internal innocence to expand of newfound foresight that ignites my fiery desires dared me to go into the emotions of twit ick cutting out…

The thick ick being caught up in emotion dipshit and feeling fraud all crossed the river today instantly opened the way for waves of…

Euphoria stream esteemed emotions sensing elegant feelings pristinely sheen my life experiences with glamorous gusto of rococo…

Lets go ride the tides feeling the boundless blessings of unexplainable ecstasy that kisses me as ride my mountains of magnificent…

Beauty and pristine scenery mirroring my core scenery feeling my seas of easy ecstasy flow thru my arteries of awesome feeling airwaves…

Of glorious grandeur upon cheeks of unique embraces my revolutionary bravado I walk humbly through my day-to-day life…

Thriving of spiritual supremacy expressing action vocabulary with visionary vitality with vehement veracity now and forever more…

Thank You and I Love and Appreciate Me and My Life to Love and Appreciate all people for facilitating and participating on my life path…   

I Am Wisdom https://dld.bz/g4tS8  via @authorhouseuk

How Did I Teach Myself Fear? https://dld.bz/g3KgV  

Dissolving Ancient Anger:  https://dld.bz/gf5tt

Dissolving Pleasing Others: Dissolving Pleasing Others dissolves childhood bl... https://dld.bz/eRyhY  via @amazon,

Dissolving Pleasing Others, Dissolving Pleasing Others dissolves childhood blocks freeing you… https://mycowboywisdom.com/books/,

Enjoy download and listen to a free meditation CD at https://mycowboywisdom.com,

Author's page www.amazon.com/author/robertawilson,

My Cowboy Wisdom: https://mycowboywisdom.com/cds-dvds,

Open your wisdom to Understand Fear to Expand Out of Fear https://youtu.be/B3OBA5NXMq0

Walk of Wisdom Webinar September 29, 2015 https://youtu.be/L40vgQrm68E,

Website: https://mycowboywisdom.com ,

Author's page www.amazon.com/author/robertawilson,

Email: [email protected],

Follow me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/mycowbywisdom

Thank You

With Unselfish Love Flowing From My Heart and a Beaming Sassy Smile From My Soul

Robert A. Wilson

Cowboy Wisdom Enterprises, LLC

Cowboy Wisdom Visionary Hypnotherapy, Dreamers Freedom Dream Sculpting feeling free to Dare To Dream, EII Execute Inspirational Innovation, NLP, Introducing the world to a visionary vocabulary, NLI, Author and Radio Show Host Cowboy Wisdom Radio

Website: https://mycowboywisdom.com,

Robert’s Author's page www.amazon.com/author/robertawilson

Email: [email protected],

Life is Love Innovation Freedom Epiphanies: https://dld.bz/gdvPk,

Holiday Wisdom "Book" https://dld.bz/dqZ8j,

Holiday Wisdom "Kindle" https://dld.bz/dqZ8m,

Visionary Vocabulary “DVD” https://dld.bz/dqZ7j,

Fear is My Friend "Book" https://dld.bz/dqZ6s,

Fear is My Friend "Kindle" https://dld.bz/dqZ6z,

Fear Is My Friend "CD" https://dld.bz/dqZ5E,

Flow in the Glow: "Book" https://dld.bz/dqZ65,

Flow in the Glow "Kindle" https://dld.bz/dqZ67

Flow in the Glow "CD" https://dld.bz/dqZ6D,

My Visionary, I Am: "Book" https://dld.bz/dqZ8c,

My Visionary, I Am "Kindle" https://dld.bz/dqZ8f,

I Forgive Me... I Am Free "Book" https://dld.bz/dqZ8q,

I Approve of Me... Sets Me Free: "Kindle" https://dld.bz/dqZ3a,  

I Forgive Me... I Am Free "Kindle" https://dld.bz/dqZ83

Letting Go “CD” https://dld.bz/dqZ2h,

Money Is My Friend CD https://dld.bz/dqZ4b,

Visionary Vocabulary “DVD” https://dld.bz/dqZ7j,

Sun Lit Wit "CD"; https://dld.bz/dqZ7w,

Dissolving Pleasing Others; https://dld.bz/f2RNc,

My Cowboy Wisdom : https://mycowboywisdom.com/cds-dvds,

For your listening joy Listen to my new episode Cowboy Wisdom Radio at https://tobtr.com/s/9936299#BlogTalkRadio

Listen to my new episode Cowboy Wisdom Radio at https://tobtr.com/s/9968695. #BlogTalkRadio Seeds of Serendipitous enlightenment enterprising dreamers splendor,

? and #Trademark Serial number 86698406  trademarked by Robert A. Wilson/Cowboy Wisdom/Cowboy Wisdom Publishing /Walk of Wisdom Webinars and Seminars December 2017,

Robert A. Wilson Cowboy Wisdom Enterprises LLC ? 


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