I Understand you may not agree with everything I Propose,Dear POTUS+VP

I Understand?you may not agree with everything I Propose, Dear ?Potus & VP

It is evident I don`t have neither all the Intel you do nor the expert support from your Loyal Teams to do so. In all candor, thru dedicated research, with the Infinite Aid from the Spirit of the Light of Truth, going thru all + the confirmed knowledge of the situations and the continuous flux of further facts, plus all the deep pondering in multidimensional consciousness, allows me to finally reach robust understanding to enable to see a worthy proposal as fruition.

To all the terrible creatures I`ve witnessed in my tribulated existence, I can formally state, there have been but 3 or 4 that have the terrible spirit I have but rejection of, are precisely the ones that have driven this unbalanced premeditated status of chaos and abusive criminal drive for personal and petty interests, betraying their countries, any values or consciousness of worthy committed dedication in achieving remarkable goals in benefit of mankind`s life, health, environment and Human Resources training and education to prosperity.

As I`ve been aware for the last 6-10 years, deceit, betrayal, blatant corrupted abuses, translated into corrupted minds, goals and interests, leave rasputin, assad, formerpettypotus, mortonaro,mortega, diaz canel,podrido, plus those military fanatics causing further death, hunger and destruction only to please this powerful criminal-dictator in his pathologically deviate mentality, to get what he wants no matter the price or WHO pays for it.

IF my life and trajectory have any worth, consciousness gives me the authority to formally state I CANNOT ALLOW THIS TO CONTINUE OR HAVE THIS BEAST?ACHIEVE HIS HUNGERED GOALS. NO!

Just remember when Yeltzin named the sob as his heir apparent to power in Russia.

How he behaved as leader of KGB and all the crimes committed thru his bloody mandate.

Having meticulously planned Invading Crimea, showed us, what he had started as his primal goal as to attack and conquer Ukraine, mainly for the riches this beautiful suffering population had managed to maintain and cherish of an old culture Its Independence and their belief they couldn`t expect such an action from their neighbor and let`s say, relative.

I am happy to state his unbalanced mental state has allowed us see he`s made several gross mistakes as his limited capacity or quality proves. THIS has given us an edge we must take advantage of. The Ruskin popol MAY BE the ones taking my proposal seriously and achieve it before I have all the necessary coordinated to execute. Great! This could perfectly prove they`re fed up with this beast.?So promote my initiative worldwide as I have NO DOUBT there will be several other men and women that gladly would sacrifice their lives as well to solve this dirty and sorry episode of our lacking state of consciousness, we the cold, impervious manunkind.

Remember there`s nothing he`s said since I remember that`s not deceptive so whatever the bastard says, may only be used to study what he`s hiding or planning,…in his favor, of course.

So saying he`ll stop shelling the country cannot be believed. There are signs of despair and here`s where the bastard may commit another but we must see beyond his twisted mental state to prevent further surprises.

Perhaps formerpettypotus, mitch, desantis,and other mediocre beasts could promote the love and values the sob feigns to excuse his INVASION- rasputin`s war. OH, he`s a hero! Would probably move demented Donnie to excuse his boss for his brilliant actions!

But no. rasputin doesn`t respect anyone or care for any other than himself as the idol of a?profane cult to a despotic cold blooded murderer pretending he`s the savior of the culture and history of Russia. Cruel joke, jaja!

?No, let`s not allow this creature to murder any more or cause suffering and destruction to those innocent Ukrainian Heroic folk-including what will continue as the impacting mental damage done to all those surviving the devastation. 148 children`s death PROVE the bastard has incurred repeatedly in Crimes OF WAR. rasputin`s war.

He`s NEVER going to stop unless something relevant as what I proposed formally and volunteered gladly to conclude. ?OR there can be a formal aggressive finale by OTAN and the allies and this crappy mode to punish Democracy ENDS!

I`m founding the World Living Forces Organization within the Spirit of Truth, Democracy, HR, Freedom, Justice, Alimentary and Environment certainty and most of all, NO MORE dictators on the planet, with the Help from My Friends.

We need to understand he WANTS a nuclear war, because he`s convinced that with China`s support and with whatever it is he BELIEVES he has an edge on U.S. and your allies, he is bound to win and he believes there`s NO gonadic or ovarian fortitude within the leaders of the Free World. His main intention IS to provoke and then accuse you of attacking and so, ?making him believe there`s an undeniable risk against their sovereignty. Then the attack with the right pseudo excuse.

He`s the one that taught formerpettypotus his foul tricks.

?AS his expensive pup-pet, he honors his master.

HOW could that bastard say it would be fine to ask his boss about Hunter. His vile betrayal to the U.S. and THE PEOPLE continue but most demented reps can`t see that. The heroic

?Ukranian President could witness what your son did in that area of the planet and I hope he may clarify this as well as formerpettypotus slithering around his boss. THIS could perfectly be done, sometime AFTER we have succeeded in our mission.

Too bad for the constituents that don`t realize their Senators and Congressmen are also part of that criminal pact!

Where they could all DEMAND what they think IS what IS right and have ?these creatures DO what they ought to do. IN TRUTH, mind you.

NO wonder they continue with obstruction to all you gallantly propose and want to solve.

Remember, dear POTUS, Dear President Sir, you`ve achieved grand Historic Evolution during your first days at Office. You`re a worthy human being beyond doubt and it is NOT any exaggeration to say you`re a Decent conscious Human being with sufficient virtues im praxis that have been proven no matter who likes it or not.

You AREN`T the kind of creature they denounce. It`s the pathological mental state these creatures are in ?because they had planned a rosy future for themselves serving those fecal creatures.

Just as the idiot on Fox trying to demean you.

For History, I find it quite clear to formally state:

A person like yourself, IS what a GREAT country as U.S.?NEEDS ?to advance from the abandonment the sorry image of a man least a President of the U.S. left the country in and all the deceived people.

That`s why your acceptance isn`t a legit account nor a fair or just appraisal of all you`ve done with VP to LEAD the planet both from Pandemic and this terrible creature. Historic I tell you!

So, to solve this I am quite certain you Know what I`d say, right?

Publish the robust findings and YOU will confirm what I`ve been formally stating, Sir.

AS I was saying, all those and this creature, promote his ONLY intent IS to blame ?you or OTAN or both of placing Russia`s existence in peril.

Then he`d push the nuclear command for devastation and I TRULY?HOPE, good ol` Ronald Reagan hasn`t been forgotten on his Star Wars focus, technology and capabilities therein.

So, to cut to the chase, Dear POTUS+VP, I consider my formal proposal and personal volunteering be a solid and very immediate solution to what I FEAR could occur unless something this deep is achieved.

IT takes a lot of coordination from my friends, no doubt.

IT represents an opportunity for you and VP lead those who hungered for radical changes in World Domain. No more dictators, no more criminals deceiving or betraying, no more cruel environmental devastation for the Billion$ and Trillion$$ for the criminal oligarchs, no more corruption, crime, hunger or misery.

This happening, ?IS the kind of world I will dearly give my life for willingly and happily in a great fair exchange.

That`s why I will do it, with the Help From My Friends. ASAP.

Your situation at home has to be confronted wisely.

YOU do not have anything to do with what mitch has accused you of.

NOT inflation, not pandemic mismanagement, not fuel price crisis or the fact you haven`t?delivered any of the Jan.6th Investigation`s findings. Anyone can see this situation was triggered by the container crisis deriving thereof to other serious consequences and pandemic ended up PROVING the critical state of the planet`s fairness or conscious analysis of what would happen if we didn`t work together and this increased chaos.

Therein, you WILL have sufficient findings to PROVE and ACCUSE the actual participants of a heinous plot to nullify your Historic Triumph over his puppet, the Intel leaks, and many other crimes.

In regards to mitch, I find he`s stepping in legal quicksand with the foul and baseless accusations of the reasons the planet is in such turnmoil. Yes. He`s breached truth in a very low manner where he accuses you of such atrocities I advice your legal teams look into this, because the President of The United States, cannot be FALSELY accused of dereliction of duty in a baseless and very loathsome manner.

?To accuse the person that IS RESCUING the country out of?International?degradation in the LEADERSHIP of a petty perverse liar, withdrawing from the World Responsibilities you recovered in command and quality leadership within the first day of your Presidency, cannot be overlooked or not acknowledged by any conscious being because though the results ARE evident, the mesmerizing of gullible and ignorant rednecks have been the consequence of those 30K+ lies he ought to be liable for as well, in leading those into rebellion and mistaken belief there was no legal and authentic THE PEOPLE`S DECISION of WHO would be President without any criminal plot.

?Evidence IS what the opposition he created against you lack. They don′t have any, I believe..

Since we have been living and existing in the Light of the Spirit of Truth , WE ARE invulnerable verily of all the poisons dispersed by these fiends, and, False accusations DO REPRESENT either a misdemeanor or above. CHARGE THESE FIENDS!!!!!

You can and are able to do so, even today or when your intel strats tell you when.

Offering a Million bb`s is great. Perhaps with my suggestions you may triple that cipher within months to the perplexing of these fiends. And their wallets.

Remember to have Europe continue giving rasputin $348M daily or even worse, 2-3B$$ per week for gas and oil CAN BE produced in America by our developing countries, as mine, with BIO FUEL as well as the plantation of Jathropa Curcas and Moringa Oleìfera, where it has already been accepted and ruled it can substitute 10-15% of fossil fuel blend that works well and the reduction of that dependency. Solar Aeolic Energy may do the trick, as well as for you to have a formal evaluation of ALL those shut down wells that didn`t produce the amount the Oil Barons that owned them expected , as to determine which ones produce an attractive and reasonable daily amount that, with 50 reopened wells producing at least anywhere from 5 to 10-20K bb per day WOULD solve an enormous breach in production for Europe, leaving the culprit with his criminal Trillion$$ to launder in the WAR he promoted for his own petty whims. This may also cause a further deep investigation in those regards. Bio gas as that produced in biodigestors is an other alternative that of course has to be supported with quality experts to be effective in its compression to bottle as other options BUT NO MORE FRACKING.

As I was young a little while ago, I am quite familiar with the stuff going down because of precisely the sociopoliticaleconomic levels the people I was familiar with practiced.

I found out I didn`t approve or like what it was when I witnessed and almost partook in the kind of things I couldn`t accept as part of my values or conscious actions.

This caused a great scandal having a herbruger not incur happily in the slime they offered as part of the daily praxis they were happy to do.

So, the strongest ones in the near relative field, were the ones admonishing me that it was contrary to the usual demanded protocols of the group.

?No, not for me.

This was the main reason they blocked just about everything I proposed and did during my active academic efforts to correct so many of the shameful tragedies?my country folk suffer on a daily basis.

So you see, Dear POTUS, it is with multidimensional consciousness that I am willfully ready to do what I`ve proposed formally because, to FIGHT and Die for my beliefs, my faith IN GOD and values, isn’t painful or against what I cherish above all in what concerns living in a world I always yearned for and if doing so, I finally achieve this to be a living reality all over the planet,…. My life has meaning saving ?my beloved ones and all those humans +flora & fauna that will survive due to this. In a different and much more inclusive and conscious existence ?instead of homo predator or an unconscious vile hominid dictator causing death suffering and destruction on the face of the earth.

Therefore, all I ask of you is not to forget my beloved family and grandson. Nor the criminal plot against my properties that would affect their present and future in unacceptable situations that demand legal satisfaction and nullifying the darn criminal case where I have found at least 17 crimes in commission that would also result in damages in our favor, that would guarantee all the hard work I had done during my life, including the Bottling company, the Water resources company,Virgin Springs the Laboratory, Mayan Wonder Products,The Condo and?Mall with office and apartments as well as ?Radio-Tv-Cable-Wifi Antennas. These will guarantee at least a couple of $M per month for them to guarantee their livelihood, academic goals as well as a reasonable and ample financial margin to engage in the humanitarian and environmental praxis that could be done with donating to eradicate malnutrition, producing Fitovitamax and promoting further attacks on this shameful tragedy over 1.3B children suffer daily. Scholarships, helping in the academic development of the Mayan Descendants as well as investing as Angel capital for all those feasible documented initiatives that could even help with their tax considerations for the 5HerHerCorp, which means 5 Herbruger Hermanos Corporation. They will have to work hard to keep the corporation healthy and growth. OF course, they`ll be well paid and highly motivated to success.

I expect them to willingly donate at least 20-25% of their profits and 20-25% for Angel Investments.

All these possibilities of DRASTIC CHANGE on the planetary consciousness and?full determination to SOLVE all that needs to for the better IS a sufficient inspiration for what I offered to achieve and happily will do if the help from My Friends results in propitious Spirit to go forth and succeed. Always, In the Spirit of the Light of Truth, and my love + respect for HIS HOLY WILL.

I believe formally IF any leading demand from these corrupted deviate criminals were trying to FORCE THE FATHER to send His Son to save the planet, ……I, formally am aware totally this ISN`T the Will OF GOD and I sincerely doubt He′d oblige. Therefore, life and the planet would be totally destroyed and NO JESUS HERE TO SAVE US!!

HIS WILL, IS much more important to ponder as their interests are totally foreign to HIS.

I hope all`s clear and perhaps there are flashes within all this that could perhaps confirm what needs to be done and what must be obliterated justly for the good of man`s survival to all this terrible demonic plot, that MUST BE DELETED FOR GOOD.

?With my sincere and loving appreciation to both of you and your Cabinet as your Loyal Efficient Teams.

God Bless and God Spèed:

You may interpret this document to you as My Last Will.

Edgar Emilio

Guatemaya City 31.III.22.-


Fiat Dominus


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