I ? Twitter Lists
Aaron Lintz
Finding top talent for Water, Electric, & Infrastructure Advisory solutions at BV.com
I ? Twitter Lists and I compile them for recruiting, competitive intelligence, and to strategically network with smart people. Twitter lists rock if you use a good twitter client with keyword filters and/or location capability.
You could mass follow everyone, but that is lazy, will not achieve any of the points mentioned above, and will muddy the quality of your feed/stream. I do however receive many great followers when I create these lists as most people receive notifications when they are added to a list (default setting). As a rule, I follow them back, and connect with them on LinkedIn at the same time.
I will do a complete write-up soon on how I am able to identify, scrape, and compile list from disparate online communities. For now here are a few public communities I built in the last week. Let me know if you notice a trend.
Openstack Members
vEXPERT 2014
AWS Heroes