I will try again tomorrow
There are days when we feel like doing nothing and then there are days when nothing we do works.
There are days when it seems like everything is going down in flames and there is no hope for anything we do.
In those times, looking up is hard to do.
In reality, very few things go the way we want it to the first time, and in some cases it does not go our way for a very long period of time.
In those times when everything seems to be going wrong for me, I like to fall back on these words by Mary Anne Radmacher:
“Courage doesn’t always roar, sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, I will try again tomorrow.”
They remind me that all we need to is to keep going and just keep trying one more time. Because that is the thing that will make us win.
The thing that makes great art and great work is ‘continuing to push’ even when the odds are against you.
Always trying one more time.
It is the act of getting up each day and showing up which changes bad circumstances into good ones.
It is the act of showing up every day that makes you do those little things over and over again until you win.
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