I Tried To Drown My Sorrows
"Oh, yeah, I'm drinkin' again, it's always the same.
That same old story,
After the kicks there's little old mixed-up me,
Tryin' to lose a dream that used to be."
~ Drinking Again, Frank Sinatra, 1967
I Tried To Drown My Sorrows by The Connor Brothers
Medium: Mixed media on paper (HPM), signed on verso by the artist
Edition: #8/8
Year: 2014
Size: 118.0cm x 76.0cm
Arty-Fact: As Mike Snelle (one half of The Connor Brothers) has observed, it is the paradox of art that artifice often provides the best means by which to portray reality, while fiction is the best way to challenge conventional ideas of what we perceive to be the ‘truth’. What you think you see, and perceive to be self-evident, isn’t necessarily so. There is so often a deeper or even completely different truth to be ascertained – or to put it in Mike’s own words, “Who knows the truth of anything?”
Source: The Connor Brothers: Art-world fakery that’s as ‘real’ as it comes https://bit.ly/2NRjJjz
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