I Took an Accidental 9-Month Business Sabbatical (And This is What I Learnt)
Loren Hogue
Co-CEO at NEUROFIT - Nervous System Fitness? | Building the Future of Wellness |
At the end of 2021, I took a short break in my business.
And that short break turned into an accidental 9 month PAUSE.
To the outside world it didn’t make sense - my business was growing at its fastest rate yet. I was scaling my team and my offerings. Everything was heading in that direction.
But then Andrew turned up in my life.
And I got the message loud and clear from God that it was time to enter the next phase of my life adventure.
So I took a step back.
I rested and napped.
I healed from burnout.?
I played.
I fell in love.
I grieved.
I spent time with the people I love.
I had tough conversations that I was burying inside of me.?
I let go of team members.?
I travelled.
I released more layers of conditioning and programming.
I said NO to a million and one things I was no longer going to tolerate.
I fought for myself in ways I had never fought before.
I had ego death after ego death.
I let people go.?
I fell off the face of social media.?
I closed off my business.?
I cried almost every day.?
And I went inwards knowing that God would call me again when he was ready for me.
And miraculously every need (financial, emotional and physical) I had was provided for and taken care of.?
Those 9 months led me to finding a level of peace and power I’d spent the last few years searching for that I couldn’t find in the midst of being a very busy coach in service of others.
It led me to starting a new life as a married woman to an incredible husband.
It led me to co-founding my new business with Andrew which launches in just 2 days.
It led me straight to my Truth.
I’m now emerging from that 9-month period into the next period of growth and all I can say is this - if you’re being called to PAUSE, do it. Something amazing awaits on the other side.
Loren x