I had to repeat 4x times to get him to change his business direction

I had to repeat 4x times to get him to change his business direction

1. Had a meeting with one of my best clients yesterday.

2. I told him to pivot and change business direction asap.

3. He’s 60+ yo who will get things done w.i.t

4. He’s in early childhood education.

5. 4y ago, business was all good when we started.

6. Leads and enrollment were super easy.

7. However, in just 4 years…

8. The government has also set many rules.

9. You can’t raise fees or change the payment structure.

10. Consumer behavior and demand have shifted.

11. With easier access to knowledge online,

12. Fresh graduates have less interest in college/university.

13. They want to make money early in their career.

14. Working adults have less interest in education jobs.

15. They are moving toward higher-income careers.

16. And because of that…

17. He shared insights from his industry peers:

18. College and university enrollment has decreased.

19. They dropped their fees by 40-60%

20. and still lack student enrollment.

21. The demand has dropped.

22. Small colleges and universities are up for sale.

23. These are clear signs that it’s a sunset business.

24. I told him we should pivot ASAP.

25. He was hesitant at first,

26. lacking clarity and a framework.

27. So, I gave him one.


28. Keep the bread and butter (1st profit center).

29. Systemize the sales process with tools and SOPs.

30. Delegate fulfillment (hire part-time).


31. Quickly build a second profit center (PC2).

32. Develop and launch new training programs

33. that we have full control over.

34. Launch it together with PC1.

35. We created the modules on the spot

36. and have the program names ready.

37. Create the funnel and build credibility.

38. Work on fulfillment later, once people sign up.


39. The goal is to make PC2 the bread and butter

40. and make PC1 the pocket money business.

41. If demand continues to drop…

42. we will completely phase out PC1.

43. Many people in a similar situation

44. are afraid to take the first step.

45. It’s either they lack clarity or faith,

46. or they are too comfortable in their zone.

47. That’s why you see most people stuck

48. and not progressing.

49. But if you don’t do it,

50. you’ll know you will not survive.

51. We’ve pivoted a few times.

52. It’s challenging mentally and physically.

53. It requires a burn-the-boat mentality

54. and a gladiator character—

55. survive and thrive, WIT.

56. We have many case studies

57. where people have gone bankrupt

58. and made a comeback.

59. So, commit to the turn.

60. Thanks for reading this far.

61. If you want clarity in increasing your leads and appointments,

62. I have a PDF guide with details.

63. DM/comment “PDF.”

64. By the way, if you want to automate your sales process…

65. I’ve invested 21+ hours and recorded a training.

66. If you need it,

67. DM or comment “Video.”




btw, i have a new YouTube Video!


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