I thus began. Bard, Canto 2.
Carmen Parrón, PhD
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Inferno, il Dante.
Take Inferno Canto 2 in Dante's Divine Comedy and write down 5 verses starting in "I thus began" and ending in "Thou trust me."
"I thus began: 'Bard, thou to me speakest comfort, But why such trust? What worthiness can I claim? Eneas was a man most holy, and by divine grace, Yet even he, though deathless, faced great pain.
Thou trust me, for not without divine decree Do I descend to this dark and hidden place. A gracious lady from Heaven, moved by pity, And Beatrice, with a pure angelic face,
Descended to the gates of Hell, and there besought The King of Limbo, who set me free to roam. Their purpose, high and holy, I may not disclose, But trust me, Bard, for it is the will of God alone.'
(5 trials = 4 text + 1 tune)