I was the third wheel on a Tinder date
If you follow facebook.com/joshrachlis or instagram.com/joshrachlis, you'll remember the awkward July 20, 2015 photo of me joining Heather Saffer on her Tinder date. Watch this video to see how that date went. Hint: It changed my sexuality.
(Bonus intro of Ward Anderson and Allison E. Dore talking to us on SiriusXM Canada's Ward and Al before the date.)
Please Like and Comment on the video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idrpXNsH0LQ and Subscribe to youtube.com/joshrachlis so I can make more videos instead of tagging along on other people's Tinder dates!
Heather Saffer (founder of gluten-free Dollop gourmet frosting) stayed with me for a night in July 2015 when she came to Toronto to talk to Ward Anderson on the Ward and Al SiriusXM Radio show. At the time, Heather was a Cupcake Wars winner and Fox Rochester WUHF baking expert. Since then, she's been on Shark Tank where she won an investment, moved from Rochester to LA, and been on Steve Harvey talking about her dating life. So I'm capitalizing on her increasing fame by finally getting around to editing and posting my old footage of her.