And I think to myself .... What a wonderful World!

And I think to myself .... What a wonderful World!

Day 13 of my #blog365

OK, I'm a day behind again... so two blog offerings required this evening.... But I'm not worrying.... not at all. You see today I have been in my bliss zone. It's a zone I find myself in each and every time I teach the Japanese healing art of Reiki. Today I've been sharing this teaching with two wonderful women, who are becoming Reiki Masters. Meaning they are learning the skills to be able to pass on the teaching of this beautiful system of energy healing to others. It's an absolute joy and never fails to centre me and connect me at a deep level to my purpose.

This morning as I took the ladies through a guided meditation; in perfect timing to the script I read from, the sun streamed in through the window, and in that very moment I was in complete awe of the majesty, beauty and perfection of nature.

Yes, extreme weather warnings abounded yesterday (on Friday the 13th ) but today the bright blue skies and glorious sunshine was a million miles away from the forecasted weather. It was simply stunning. Inside my treatment room it was warm and cosy and the space was brightly lit by the winter sunshine.

I know, it all sounds beautifully perfect and a romantic notion of life.... I get that life may not always present itself in that way... there were high tides and storm surges yesterday for sure, but that just adds to the contrast and nature of life. It's such a great metaphor for life; the highs , the lows, the storms and the stillness.

Every part is an aspect of life and maybe if we could cultivate the ability to

allow and observe rather than resist, life would be such an enlightening experience.

I'm reminded today of the Reiki principles, the daily practice of living within the Reiki way. I thought it may be useful to share them with you here. You don't have to be attuned to Reiki, or in fact remotely interested in it to apply these five life changing principles.

1- Just for today, I will not be angry.

Carrying anger at others or yourself , creates serious blockages in your energy. Causing dis-ease and illness in the body. Letting go of anger. brings Peace into the mind.

"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned". ~ Buddha

2 - Just for today, I will not worry.

While anger deals with past and present events, worry deals with future ones. Although worry is not always negative, endless worries may fill your head, and each one creates imbalance in your body and soul. Letting go of worry, brings healing into the Body.

“Worry is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind. If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained.”

– Arthur Somers Roche

3 - Just for today, I will give thanks for my many blessings.

Cultivate an attitude of gratitude. Be grateful from your heart. Simple things, such as noticing the smallest things in your day, from a smile, to kind words....... even if the only thing you can notice to be grateful for is matching socks, it's a start. The more you notice to be grateful for your focus will grow and the more and more blessings will be bought into your awareness. Being thankful brings Joy into the Spirit.

"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend". ~ Melody Beattie

4- Just for today, I will do my work honestly.

Support yourself and your family respectably, without harming others. Be present, no matter if you're cooking, washing, serving others..... be there, be completely there, not time traveling elsewhere in your mind. Doing your work honestly is not just about not being dishonest, it about being fully present and not cheating yourself and others of your full attention. Working Honestly brings Abundance into the Soul.

"Goodness is about character - integrity, honesty, kindness, generosity, moral courage, and the like. More than anything else, it is about how we treat other people". ~ Dennis Prager

5- Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing.

Honour your parents, honour your teachers, honour your elders. Honour those who frustrate you, anger you ( see principle number 1) and who challenge you... for they are your greatest teachers... they give you a beautiful gift, if only you can be aware of it. Being kind brings Love into the Will.

"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted". ~ Aesop

The beautiful thing about the Reiki principles is that they are always prefixed with "Just for today"..

They are not saying "forever", they are not unrealistic..... they simply ask us to have the intention "Just for today" and then again the next day simply ask us to hold the intention "Just for today" and so it continues....... Somehow living by these very simple but powerful principles a day at a time, becomes so "Do-able".

They recognise that we are human.... that we slip up... from time to time we get angry, we worry, we forget how blessed we are, we are distracted by our thoughts and agendas and drift away from being fully present, we can say and do unkind things..... and that's OK.... that's human.... and so again the next day we can go back to following the principles, making a difference one day at a time.

Wow, how blessed are we... that no matter what... we can press the reset button.... and simply remember that we are in a wonderful World!

Until next time,

Make every moment count!

Lisa xxx


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