There is an ‘I’ in Team after all!
Matt Sidwell
I help businesses to amplify their sales and marketing impact with our 'Part-Time Marketing Department' solution. Scale effortlessly without hiring a full-time in-house team.
I’m sure you will all have heard the term ‘there is no I in team’.
Well when you think about it, teams are actually made up of lots of 'I's'. We know them as their brilliant collective term - individuals.
Now don’t get me wrong; I agree that teams are at their best when they have truly bought into the corporate and organisational goals. My point really is about asking the following question:
"Who do you have for your team, before you have the team?"
So let’s look at the following characteristics of the individual, who will go on to be part of an exceptional team:
Individual - They know themselves best and the role they play for the team. They make sure they’re participating in their area of strength.
Intelligent - Individuals who are smart, who know what they know and know what they don’t know.
Intuitive - Individuals who trust their gut instincts as well as logic, data and analysis.
In the present - Individuals who pay attention to the now and take in every scrap of information.
Interested - Individuals who are interested in and passionate about what they are doing.
Immediate - Individuals that take action.
Intense - Individuals who are focused and driven.
Independent - Individuals who can do things on their own in between team projects and heads together sessions.
Irresistible - Individuals who attract great things.
Idealistic - As you can see, there is an ‘I’ in team – if you look hard enough!