I was on the support.Microsoft.com/help site, and anyway, there was this popup that happened, and it scared me, details below.?

I was on the support.Microsoft.com/help site, and anyway, there was this popup that happened, and it scared me, details below.?

It said there were viruses on my PC that took my email login, Facebook login, credit card information (I am thirteen, i don't own one), and my photos. It didn't say it was from Microsoft, I am right now deleting apps that I downloaded that were scanned by AVG to be viruses, got the threats removed though. What could be causing that popup and all my issues? Am I safe from my Facebook and email being hacked? If it is a virus that took my information, can I get it all back? I just got off Microsoft support and they pushed me to get their virus software protection for 99 dollars. I rejected because they are money sucking whores. Now, nobody can help me but the kind world of yahoo answers... and my dad. Please tell me if my computer is safe from these issues.

ANSWER: For Finance and credit solutions I always recommend this site where you can find all the solutions. personalfinancesolution.info


Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Legit bad credit loans online?

Need a loan for around 1,200 within the next two weeks, need a legit online lender as I have already tried credit union and my own bank and was turned down by both. I had a bankruptcy 6 years ago."

Monopoly property auction question?

So while playing monopoly, a dispute arises that ruined the game, but I'd like to know the answer if possible. The situation is this: A land goes into auction, and it was between myself and another player. I have 1.5M in my cash, and I am willing to mortgage a land for 750k, making my total bidding equity for 2.2M. However, since this is an auction, I did not take out a mortgage immediately, and started bidding. The bid goes to 2.3M, at which point I beg out and the other player wins. However, the other player believes that I am making the land too expensive and she should only pay 1.6M, since I did not take out a mortgage before entering the auction and only have 1.5M in cash, or I should mortgage the land immediately and still does not win the auction. I disagree, since I believe I didn't win the auction and I don't have to mortgage to pay, but she should still pay the 2.3M. Hence the dispute. Can someone please tell me--- Do I need to have the enough cash in my hand before entering into the auction, or I can wait until AFTER I win then mortgage to pay for the land I win? In other words... who's right in this situation? Thank you!"

How often are you allowed to file bankruptcy?

Is the bankruptcy law the same in all states, and what is the time allowance between each bankruptcy."

Exactly what is bankruptcy and how does it work?

What is the differcence btwn. them such as chapter 7, 12,13. etc etc. And what are the pros and cons to it. My family is in debt way over our heads, we rent a house w/ our three little ones, have HORRIBLE credit and can barely afford our bills. Would this be the best way to go? Thanks."

"Do you know of a direct short term loan, or payday advance site that doesn't have a high processing fee.?

That is fast and can work with a person with ok credit but has had the same a job for over 6 years with direct deposit which I can get online? All I find is ads that will get me to a lender. Which never happens.I don't need a big loan.

Where can I get a signature loan with bad credit. Trying to get it right.?

I am divorced. Do not own a House. I work for Verizon and make approx. 60k pr year.

A real free credit report site?Anybody?

Does anyone know of a real free credit report site where I can check my credit score without giving them a credit card number?Thanks!

Which is best for a mortgage? 16 hours minimum contract/full time but no guaranteed hours?

As said above. I currently have a minimum contracted hours of 16 hours but usually work around 20 hours, I have been offered a job which is full time but no minimum hour contract. Will this make me in a worse position for a mortgage?"

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

I have to send in my personal information to get my credit report and score.?

I have recently gotten married and changed my last name. Should I send a copy of my old license and the one with my new name? should I send a copy of my marriage license? I can not get a hold of a live person when I try to call for information. PLEASE HELP

My car loan company took money out of my account without permission.?

I pay my car loan online for convenience. 2 weeks ago, they took a car payment out of the bank account added to their website. The payment was due only the day before. They did not call to ask, nor was that in any contract I signed or the online terms and conditions. Do I have a legal remedy? The fear is if I sue them, they would retaliate. The loan is a 2 year loan and my last payment is 1/3/2014 so I'm confused as to why this happened and it caused me to overdraw."

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Well its that time in life i need to know how to file for bankruptcy and how much it cost i live in michigan?

fyi its not bussiness its personal i just didnt know what catagory worked best sorry

Personal and payday loans?

Personal and payday loans?

If a creditor doesn't reposses a car after bankruptcy does the person get to keep it?

If a creditor doesn't reposses a car after bankruptcy does the person get to keep it?

Where can I get an auto loan with credit between 450-500?

I know I have terrible credit, I work to much and don't have time to pay my bills, but my friend is getting rid of his scion tc, and he has $9,000 left on his loan, so I am trying to take out a loan to cover the $9,000, My credit score is between 450-500, can anyone tell me where I can find an auto loan with that kind of credit? Maybe an online lender? And please no sarcastic answers."

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Is it possible for someone to buy a house in my name?

I ran my credit to check it on EQUIFAX. I was told for a security question that only I would know, to answer what the name of my mortgage company is, and how much do I pay. Well I don't have that answer, I rent. I said none of the above, but it wont show me my file, said I have to enter a ten digit confirmation code. Im lost some suggest some help?"

Get Free Credit Report?

Does anyone know where i can check my credit for free....the only thing is i dont have a credit card and most sites ask for one

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

How long after I file Bankrupcy can I get a home loan?

Your Question How long after you file Bankruptcy would be a good time to apply for a home loan? my husband and I filed for bankruptcy about 4 months ago and our landlord has given us the option to buy our house. We would love to do that because we love our house! But I don't want to walk into a bank and have them laugh us out of the bank.

Free records of bankruptcy and divorce?

free public of my records for divorce and bankruptcy in cuyahoga county cleveland ohio

Best home loan rate in past 5 years?

Whats the lowest rate you have heard in the past 5 years for a 30 year fixed, no points or prepay penalty, jumbo home loan in Califiornia? Pls provide date and place if known."

Do you think i will be able get an auto loan from local bank?

Your Open QuestionShow me another Do you think i will be able get an auto loan from local bank? hello guys, my credit score 600,monthly income $2200,22 years old,credit card balance is very high,dont have any bad credit history,looking to get $8000 loan from local bank to buy a used car,any chance??? thanks and god bless you!!"

I was on the support.Microsoft.com/help site, and anyway, there was this popup that happened, and it scared me, details below.?

It said there were viruses on my PC that took my email login, Facebook login, credit card information (I am thirteen, i don't own one), and my photos. It didn't say it was from Microsoft, I am right now deleting apps that I downloaded that were scanned by AVG to be viruses, got the threats removed though. What could be causing that popup and all my issues? Am I safe from my Facebook and email being hacked? If it is a virus that took my information, can I get it all back? I just got off Microsoft support and they pushed me to get their virus software protection for 99 dollars. I rejected because they are money sucking whores. Now, nobody can help me but the kind world of yahoo answers... and my dad. Please tell me if my computer is safe from these issues.

ANSWER: For Finance and credit solutions I always recommend this site where you can find all the solutions. personalfinancesolution.info

Financial planning help ??? ):?

Answer each of the following questions using complete sentences. Part I: Harper is shopping for a home and a mortgage for $175,800 with which to purchase this home. In her search, she was eligible for three different mortgages: a 30-year, fixed-rate mortgage at 6.15% a 30-year, 6/1 adjustable-rate mortgage at 5.89% with a 2/9 cap a 30/6 balloon mortgage at 5.1% Which mortgage has the least expensive initial monthly payment? How do you know? Part II: Which mortgage is likely to have the lowest total cost? Why? Part III: What are the advantages and disadvantages of a fixed-rate mortgage, an adjustable-rate mortgage, and a balloon mortgage? (6 points)"

"Is 4.75% a good 30-year fixed mortgage rate at this time (December, 2013)?"

I'm currently paying 5.75% on a $310,000 mortgage. My credit score is 648 and I've paid all of my mortgage payments on time."

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

My credit score is 620. Is it really bad?

I'm planning on buying a condo. Should i wait for my score to be better? I have 2 credit cards now and don't want to apply for more. Should i get a car to help build my credit story or get the condo first and buy the car later. I will really appreciate some clear and detailed explanations about how to go about it. Thank You.

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

"Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, then a Foreclosure...Is this possible in IL?"

Unfortunately, my wife and I will have to file a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy sometime in 2008. After filing and receiving a payment plan from the Trustee, can I let my house be foreclosed on without it affecting my Bankruptcy payment plan. Or, should I let the house be foreclosed on first, and then file for Chapter 13?"

"If I claim bankruptcy will it affect my finalized loan modification, or could I lose my home?"

I am considering filing for bankruptcy because I have about $30,000 in back debt due to my previous marriage. During the divorce the Judge split the debts between my ex-husband and I which we incurred during our marriage. I have paid off the debts assigned to me but my ex has not. After the divorce was finalized I contacted the creditors as suggested, and submitted copies of the divorce decree to them outlining the Judges judgment. I was told that the Judges decision didn't matter since I was the person who signed the contracts. My ex husband's credit was horrible so pretty much everything we acquired was placed in my name. I refuse to pay and I also can not afford to pay the back debts that I was relieved of during the divorce. What repercussions do I face if I claim bankruptcy?"

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

What happens to your home if you file for bankruptcy?

just wondering thank you for your help

How do I find my Capital One account number?

I just got my Capital One credit card in the mail. I called the 1800 number to activate my account and that worked. But when I tried to enroll for online bill pay, it asked for my account number. I assumed it was my card number, but that wasn't it. Where can I find my number? If I make a charge will they send me a statement where I can see my number? Thanks for the help."

"Auto loan... how much is monthly payment for 10,000?... etc...?"

Looking into buying a new (used) car. Talking about financing... I've been given these numbers, but I'm not quite sure how they were derived. If I finance 8000 for 48 months, the payment would be 186/mo. 8000 for 60 months, 153/mo. 12000 for 48 months, 278/mo, 12000 for 60 months, 230/mo., and 13000 for 60 months, 248/mo. Now, the question is... what is the interest rate they are using in these calculations, and how would I go about finding what 10000 for 48 & 60 months would be? And if I choose 60 months, but am able to pay a little extra each month... can the car be paid off faster and cheaper. Or should I just go with 48 months? For example, if I finance 12000 at 60 months, can I just make a payment of 250 or so, allowing me to pay off the car slightly faster? This will save me some in interest, right?"

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Has anyone used or had any experience with Allen Michael Credit Repair Organization?

Is this organization legit? Is it a scam? Has anyone used them and it worked for them? I'm extremely skeptical mainly because I cannot find much information online about them other than their website. Thanks!

Can I get Cash Advance from Bill Me Later?

As the title states - is this possible? I was looking on their site but didn't see any information about it. I saw a few people mention it before on other websites but they didn't say how it was done. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong section. Also, does anybody have the link where it says how much you need to purchase before you are eligible to pay up to six months? I was able to see it before but when I checked back, I couldn't find it. I don't know if it's still available but again, I might be looking in the wrong section. Thank you for any help."

What's your favorite commercial? Here's mine......?

I typically don't like commercials either when I am trying to watch a television program. So I'm with you on that one. ; )

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Prime vs. APR?

What's the difference between the prime interest rate vs. annual percentage rate (apr)??? I just got a new credit card and it says that the prime is 8.25%, while my regular purchase apr"" is 16.24% variable. Which one am I going to be paying monthly -- prime or apr?"""

How long does Best Buy interviews last? (5 stars to who ever has the best answer)?

I'm being interviewed soon for a seasonal position at one of the locations, and I was wondering how long does the interview last. Also how many interviews are there? And are there any tips you can give me."

"Credit card overlimit fee, and finance charge question?"

I bank with Wells Fargo, and have the College Credit Card program. I never use my credit card, and every month I faithfully pay $40 on time. The minimum ammount of $25 is due on the 14th/15th of every month, yet I always put down $40 around the 9th(ALWAYS before the 14th, regardless). Yet, every month I am charged a finance charge. What the hell is this? I'll pay $40, and Wells Fargo will subtract anywhere from $11-$16/month. Last night I signed online, and saw that my outstanding balance was at $1175. I was about to pay $40 for the card, when I saw that I now have an OVERLIMIT FEE of $33, and a message saying my credit card is over the credit limit. My outstanding balance is now $1208 because of the overlimit charge. How could I be over the credit limit within the course of 24 hours without ever using my card? I checked my account activity; my card has not been used, and no purchases show up, so no one got ahold of my card."

Auto Loans & Credit Score?

Yesterday, I got a 2007 Toyota Camry Le With a Fair Issac score of 650, I got 10.9% APR Do you think those conditions was fair? They had me at 13% but I had to fight my way down threaten them I would leave Facts: GOOD: Two credit cards never late, previous 18 month auto loan always made on time... BAD: I'm 19, Too many inquires, I need to get my balances down.... If I would have waited I could have got a better rate?"

Is there really a way I can find out my credit score for free?

If i request one, does that affect my credit score?"

Need a credit card number and cvv to join a free site.?

yes its a cam site im not looking for a stolen number just mabey a old card number someone knows or something, its a free site i just need it to be confirmed to join. i tryed a card generator online but none of its numbers worked."

What material holds heated water in bathtubs the best?

I have been having trouble with my tub not holding the heat of the water for very long. I am not sure what material it is made of (house built in 1967) but I want to know what material to use if I can replace the tub. I want something that holds the heat of the hot water.

I was on the support.Microsoft.com/help site, and anyway, there was this popup that happened, and it scared me, details below.?

It said there were viruses on my PC that took my email login, Facebook login, credit card information (I am thirteen, i don't own one), and my photos. It didn't say it was from Microsoft, I am right now deleting apps that I downloaded that were scanned by AVG to be viruses, got the threats removed though. What could be causing that popup and all my issues? Am I safe from my Facebook and email being hacked? If it is a virus that took my information, can I get it all back? I just got off Microsoft support and they pushed me to get their virus software protection for 99 dollars. I rejected because they are money sucking whores. Now, nobody can help me but the kind world of yahoo answers... and my dad. Please tell me if my computer is safe from these issues.

ANSWER: For Finance and credit solutions I always recommend this site where you can find all the solutions. personalfinancesolution.info


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