I suddenly gained about 20 or 30 POUNDS!!!  Now what!?? Help me please!!!

I suddenly gained about 20 or 30 POUNDS!!! Now what!?? Help me please!!!

Has this ever happened to you? It probably has and if not it probably will sooner or later. I can't tell you how many clients call me, men and women who suddenly gained 20 to 30 pounds, sometimes more. What happened? How does weight just suddenly sneak up on people? Did you not notice it or did you just figure a few extra pounds was no big deal? Let me explain how it happens and exactly what YOU can do about it.

Continue to read article by Kel Silas CPT MHT NS

So how do people suddenly gain 20 to 30 pounds without even realizing it? Well I'm gonna tell you. People actually DO NOTICE but it just doesn't seem that important at the time. Or people figure they will just deal with it later. We all get busy with life and life is the #1 culprit and #1 reason why people will suddenly look up and it's happened to them. Life keeps people busy and very often times unaware of what we are or aren't doing and what we are or aren't putting into our bodies. And unless you are getting on the scale every day and checking your body fat percentage every day and looking at your naked self in the mirror every day (and I don't recommend doing these things) then you may not even notice until suddenly you look up and BAM it's now happened to you.

Now think about it. You have your job, kids, kids programs and activities, kid's sports, family commitments and priorities, school or college, hanging out with friends, other obligations such as church, places you volunteer, personal activities such as the bowling league or ballroom dancing, and I could go on and on and on. Suddenly you look up and realize that you haven't been to the gym in 3 weeks now because you got busy with a work project or studying for school exams. Your kids have been sick and you had some special programs at church and you haven't been to the gym or exercised in 2 weeks. Your kids had a baseball tournament and you have been eating out fast food and haven't been grocery shopping in 2 weeks. Your friend's mother or father passed away God forbid, and you have been spending time with them and have gotten off track. And one thing leads to another. And all of these things are valid and understandable reasons but these things get us off track.

Life has it's way of keeping people busy. Especially in today's world. People have all kinds of obligations and commitments. And many of them are important but that doesn't change us taking care of ourselves. And many of these obligations and commitments are important but they do take away our time and our focus on achieving our health and fitness goals. Many and often times they keep us from eating healthy and exercising and taking care of the one precious thing we are blessed with "our life and our health". Tomorrow isn't promised to any of us. So yes sometimes people find themselves suddenly off track due to life. It does happen. So no big deal right??

You figure you will get back on track starting next week and suddenly they need you to work overtime or your car suddenly breaks down. Lord help us!!! And now what?? All of the stress and sadness leads to emotional eating, binging on junk food, excessive snacking, eating out at fast food restaurants, excess drinking of alcohol or soda pop. Let's blame it on your coworkers for just a moment. Hey, they are always bringing in donuts, cookies, cakes and sweets. And suddenly your willpower just went right out the window!!! And the timing didn't help considering you just broke up with your ex boyfriend/girlfriend. And you have been sitting at home playing with your dog having a pity party for yourself. Well enough is enough!!!!! This is just life! This is just how life is. Life isn't always a bed of beautiful roses (unless you are tip toeing through my flowerbeds lol. Even now in November I just brought in some gorgeous roses to put in a vase :)

Well now it is time to get back on track! Quit feeling sorry for yourself because no one else does. Let's just keep it real. Do you think that your co worker really cares that you broke up with your boyfriend and that you are all alone now? Heck no. That's why they are still spending time with their boyfriend every week. And they didn't even ask you to come along!!! Lol! So what a good friend they are! Here is how you can begin to get back on track.

  1. Start taking steps TODAY!!! Yes today and not tomorrow. Come tomorrow or next week something else may happen. You have to learn to walk boldly through the storm instead of waiting for the storm to end. Because either the storm won't end or it slows down and makes you think it's over and then it starts up again. UGH!!! All of the chaos!!!! Do something TODAY to get started. Just one little thing. Even if it is giving up soda pop or watching a fitness video or making a list of healthy food you used to eat. Maybe it's driving past your gym and visualizing yourself going in there and seeing yourself working out. Maybe you are making and ACTION plan of how you are going to get back on track. But start it TODAY! Doing LOTS of little things every day will ultimately lead to you getting back on track again (hopefully :) No matter how tough it might be, get started today!!!

2. Set Realistic Goals for Yourself. You might want to lose 30 pounds in 2 months before your best friend's wedding but it simply ain't gonna happen. And if it does there it probably a 90% chance that you will gain it all back again PLUS MORE. Set some realistic goals for yourself. And I say realistic so that you are all sad and depressed in 3 months when you have lost 7 pounds and 2 dress sizes. When in reality you wanted to have lost 20 pounds and 4 dress sizes. Losing 7 pounds is something worth celebrating! Maybe your goal within the first month is just to get back doing something. Don't be so over demanding and critical on yourself. If your schedule is swamped with school and kid's sports and you only have time to get to the gym twice a week then just do that for now. We can find ways to squeeze more exercise in later. Maybe you just had heart attack God forbid and your doctor wants you to start exercising. Ease into it but do get started doing something. And do consult your physician if you need to. And remember, if one physician says no then there is another one who is most likely smarter who will approve of you getting started exercising despite your health situation.

3. Make an action list!!! You need a plan of action of "how you" are going to get back on track. Sit down by yourself or contact a friend and have them help you put one together. What can you do to get back on track? If you are stuck on the inside of all of the chaos then you may not be able to see what all you can do. This is where I work miracles. I put together an action plan for a family member last week who had a very bad health scare a year ago. Now this family member travels for their job and they are extremely busy. I was able to see things they couldn't. Now I have to follow up with them and hold them accountable.

What steps can you begin to take today and this week to get you back on track? Now maybe you just need to go grocery shopping or renew your gym membership. Maybe you need to quit hanging out with your drinking buddies or list your priorities. Maybe you have diabetes or high blood pressure and it's URGENT for you to get back started!!! So how do you intend to do it? I am just a phone call or a message away if you find yourself needing help.

4. The Pity Party is Over!!! The sooner you turn the lights out on the Pity Party and tell it and all the people in it who have been pity partying with you that the party is over, the better. People who will sit around pitying with you are just going to bring you down and chances are those people are not the positive optimistic ambitious type of people that you need to be around right now. Whatever happened is behind you and it's either over or you are going to battle it through the storm. Instead of hiding under the deck crying about the storm, let's get up and steer the boat so we can get through the storm. What does having a pity party accomplish anyways? Nothing!!!!! So if you want to begin to accomplish something, then you need to get yourself in the right "state of mind" and begin to program yourself for success.

Find some friends who are doing what you know you should be doing. Hang around people and friends who will motivate and encourage you. I'm sure you know people who go to the gym or exercise regularly or eat healthy. They can be in person or oneline. And if you don't yet then you need to find some. Quit hanging around your coworkers who are sitting around gossiping and complaining about life on their lunch breaks every day. Yes you might like them but you need to separate yourself from all of the negativity. You deserve a better life. Don't you think so!? I've got an online group on Facebook you can join. I will set one up on Linked In soon. Click here to join the group. You can have your friends and family support you on your health or weight loss journey. Click here now to join the group EXtreme Fat Loss and Healthy Lifestyle Community

5. Remember what you did before that was successful. Now hopefully you were doing things before that were successful like going to the gym, drinking lots of water, exercising regularly and eating healthy meals. Sometimes this is a new venture for people and they are just learning. Whatever the case, remember what was helpful before all the chaos or laziness set it and get back to what you were doing before. There are lots of great tips and ideas online (come on now, this is 2017 and we do have the internet. There are hundreds of ideas online. Actually there are so many there are too many and it confuses lots of people.

Needless to say, that isn't an excuse for doing nothing. Doing nothing will most likely get you zero results and you sink further into your depression, the stress increases, your health doesn't get any better, and you end up gaining even more weight. Now doesn't that just suck!!?? If it worked before then it might work again. And even if it doesn't work as well you are still taking positive steps forward. Maybe a short break did you well depending on how long it's been since you have been to the gym or exercised. Should you get back on the same program or start doing the same routine? What were all of the healthy foods and recipes you were eating before? And always remember, I'm just a phone call or a message away.

6. Realize that to get the weight off and/or to get your health back where it was before is going to take some time. You didn't put the weight on overnight and it's not going to come off overnight. If it took you 3 months to gain 20 pounds then you can bet that it will probably take you 5 months to lose it. Losing weight and getting back healthy is a process. There is no need and no reason to be getting frustrated if you are taking steps in a positive direction but the results are showing up as fast as you want them to.

Be patient! To install healthy habits of exercising and working out plus eating healthy could take anywhere from 6 months to a year with most people. And if you suddenly got off track then chances are the healthy habits were not as deeply rooted as they should be. You are now in the process of making a powerful life change. So get ready world! Here you come!!! And do always remember I'm just a phone call or a message away.

7. Hire a Personal Trainer and/ Weight Loss Coach! I'm a Personal Trainer and a Weight Loss Coach so obviously I'm gonna tell you that you need to hire one right?? You may or may not need to. Statistically speaking, most people do need to. You may need to hire one just to help you get started. You may need to hire and start with one to just hold you accountable. You may need to hire and start with one to actually help you achieve your goals. Many people end up fooled thinking they can achieve their goals on their own only to quickly run into the very frustrating reality that they can't. Millions of people every year try to lose weight on their own. Millions go on diets and start going to the gym and I can tell you that the success rate is very low. Only about 10% of people, yes only 1 out of 10 succeed. So statistically speaking 90% of people will not succeed on their exercise or weight loss program.

According to the Boston Medical Center "An estimated 45 million Americans go on a diet each year, and Americans spend $33 billion each year on weight loss products. Yet, nearly two-thirds of Americans are overweight or obese." (bmc.org) I used to sell weight loss products for GNC on a military base for 10 years so this I know. Every January or late December they all started coming in wanting to lose weight. Most people cannot succeed on a weight loss program on their own without some guidance and support. And this guidance and support must be from someone or people who really know what they are talking about. There are all kinds of "gym myths" out there and plenty of people who think they are personal trainers. There are also some very lousy personal trainers out there who honestly don't know anything.

The bottom line is, if you realize you can't do it on your own, then don't be afraid to spend some money to help yourself with your problems. Most personal trainers have very affordable rates and even going once or twice a week won't break someone for a few months. They will feel better, sleep better, have more energy, and be a lot closer to achieving their goals. If not a year from now you will chances are be in the same situation. And if you don't get started now and begin to do something about your health or your weight unhappiness, then how will you feel 6 months or a year from now? You have to start taking ACTION and begin to do something about your problem now! And why is this important to you anyways? I ask this to everyone who tells me they need to lose weight or get in shape. Why? Why? Why is it so important? And if it is that important what do you intend to do about it and when?

Hi! My name is Kel Silas. I have inspired people all over the world to get in shape. I can promise you that all over the world there is someone who knows me and remembers my name. I offer Online Personal Training and Weight Loss Coaching. It's very affordable. Let me know how I can help you. Debbie is down 10 pounds in 4 weeks and Wendy is down 5 pounds and 2.5 inches on her gut in just 4 weeks! If you are in my area, I also personal train clients in the Dayton/Kettering/Oakwood/Centerville area. Contact me today for more information. Or just fill out a New Client's Fitness Profile. It will only take you 10 to 15 minutes to complete one. Have an awesome week! And remember "Doing nothing accomplishes nothing. Start doing something!"

Click here now to fill out a new client's Fitness Profile.  

Have an awesome week!

Sincerely yours,

Kel Silas CPT MHT EXtreme Personal Fitness

Contact me today and learn more! 937-219-4588 or [email protected]

I'm also on Facebook and Linked In!

Facebook.com/EXtremePersonalFitness and LinkedIn.com/in/EXtremePersonalFitness

Click here now to fill out a new client's Fitness Profile.  

It will take you only about 10 to 15 minutes. This is the first step with me for those who find themselves interested in starting a program with me.

My FREE fitness newsletter will be starting back up again very soon!


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