I Started Writing Online When I Was On Campus. Nowadays I Ask Myself: What If I Had Continued? What If I Didn't Stop?
Extreme Value Creation

I Started Writing Online When I Was On Campus. Nowadays I Ask Myself: What If I Had Continued? What If I Didn't Stop?

I discovered Bikozulu a year before joining campus.

I was working in Equity Bank by then.

Kevin, an experienced banker, was the one who introduced me to the writing guru. It was after telling him how interested I was in the blogosphere.

You know you’re successful when your name is singular – like Kobe, Madonna, or Biko. More accurately, Bikozulu. Biko is an amazing writer. He’s even more amazing in person.

After reading some of his works, I started my blog. I called it The Hub. In it, I shared my daily perspectives with a dash of humuor, storytelling, and music.

Most of my readers were my classmates. It brought me joy when someone turned to tell me how they liked a post I shared. So much of what I wrote back then was relatable.

Gradually, I got into academic writing. I needed the cash. Soon, it started flowing. Then I forgot about my blog. For reasons I can never tell.

Nobody asked me why I stopped. There was no feedback.

I then began teaching people about academic writing. How to get started and how to guard expectations. I made a series of three documents and they were widely shared on campus.

I still have those documents to date.

Midway on campus, I had this amazing idea. It was a new theory on evolution, and wondered who would listen to such a bonkers concept. It turned out many people were fascinated. So I continued to write.

Now I write on Medium, as The One Alternative View. Monthly, I get thousands of views. When I stopped writing on my previous website, nobody followed up asking why I stopped. Nowadays, when I delay sharing my writing, people hit my inbox wondering why I haven’t shared the day’s article.

I have an engaging audience, physically and online.

But still, I ask myself:

What if I never stopped writing on my website from that day? What if I made it a regular habit?

I have made a habit of writing daily. My reader base is increasing in droves. I also plan to write until my fingers crackle in pain when I’m senile. So you know I’ll have millions if not billions of views, but not today. In the long run.

Still, I ask myself:

What if I never stopped writing back then?

I used to write weekly. Now I write daily. The results have been mind-blowing.

Some of my pieces are shared in groups with people I hope could hire me to work in their organizations. Others are reshared online. Some are curated by top publications in Medium.

Soon, some of my articles will be featured in a book. Two have been selected for that particular edition.

I doubt these results would have shown up if I continued with weekly writing.

For that reason, I have lessons to offer. Actionable tips I wish I had known back when I was on campus. I hope they get as far as they possibly can. I’ve developed a free course to teach just about anyone how to get started with online writing.

It’s a product of a project I have been developing for a while. It’s called The One Alternative Academy. It presently has one free course. It’s the course I’m sharing with you right now.

Unlike other online courses, this one will be email delivered. Automatically.

No buffering videos. No need to download content. No missed insights.

All readable, in less than five minutes.

Once you have keyed in your email, the lessons start streaming into your emails. An email a day for 5 days.

I teach you how to start with a crucial lesson that most of the writers I have encountered forget. Some even dismiss it. Most don’t know the negative impact it has on them. I don’t want you to fall victim to this trap.

I then give you advice from a world-renowned author, show you how you can outsmart ChatGPT, the platforms to start writing, and finally, the single most effective and cheapest trick to improve your writing.

I do this for free. Happily so.

You may not know where to start, why to start, and even where. But this course will show you how.

I’m working on other courses, to steer you to become a better writer. But first, you have to start.

It is barely a week since I launched it, and I haven’t been talking much about the courses. People have already started enrolling.

If you’re thinking of writing online, and want a guide, this course is for you.

Don’t be like me who stopped midway and started all over again. Start now and never have a ‘what if’ story like me.

You can find this course here and start learning:


No Tests. No Grades. No Diplomas


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