I Spy With My Little Eye... ??

I Spy With My Little Eye... ??

We got some spicy wings in store for you today!

Today's Special

The 50 Best Ads From Coaches & Consultants

Remember that time you spent a small fortune on an ad that flopped harder than a fish out of water? Yeah, been there (don't worry, my therapist is amazing).

You know what’s the single most effective way to get good at advertising?

Encoding what’s already working.

Seems like a simple concept, doesn’t it? But oh, you’d be surprised just how many advertisers take sail on the saturated waters of their market…

Without a clear north star of where they’re actually going.

As a result, their ship ends up sinking way faster than the Titanic (ouch!)

And of course, I don’t want that to happen to you.

So here’s the deal:

A couple of years back, I purchased Traffic & Funnels’s Advertising Workshop.

And thanks to that… I got my hands on a killer swipe file of 50 top-performing Facebook Ads from coaches & consultants in the game.

These Ads produced MILLIONS of $$$ in revenue for their businesses…

And dissecting each one by one really took my advertising chops to a whole new level.

So if you want to get a serious edge over your competition (especially if you’re in the education space…)

I highly encourage you to give these Ads a look.

Now I'm sharing the wealth (cause that's how we roll) and put together a Google Drive folder with these Ads just for you.

Now, if you don’t happen to be in the coaching niche, don’t sweat it.

There are plenty of tools you can use to get your hands on top-performing Ads in your space (that are crushing RIGHT NOW) for you to encode.

Watch this video to get started with this free Google tool and start creating your own swipe file today.

?? Pro Tip to become a master ad spy (without the trench coat and fedora):

  • Identify your top competitors. These are the folks you want to learn from.
  • Hit the social media stalking grounds. Check out their socials and organic content, not just their ads.
  • Pay attention to the details. What kind of visuals are they using? What's the tone of their voice? What message are they trying to convey? More importantly, are people engaging with the ad?
  • Take notes. Jot down what resonates with you, what feels inauthentic, and what kind of emotions the ad evokes.

DON'T just copy what they're doing! Use the intel you've gathered to craft your own unique ad that speaks directly to your target audience.

Remember, the best ads are a blend of inspiration and innovation.

Wanna learn more about scripting ads that work?

Click here for expert insights.

Secret Recipes

This is Why Your Offer is not Selling Through YouTube Ads

In this video, we reveal the two biggest reasons why your YouTube Ads are not performing (9 out of 10 marketers completely overlook these two… don’t make that mistake!)

Check it out here —

Tasty Tidbits

?? Should you be running ads on Reddit? Click here to learn everything you need to know.

?? Google's latest update to query matching makes PPC campaigns smarter. Read about it here

??Are long-form videos making a comeback?? Read this story here

Silly Wasabi

P.S. Want step-by-step guidance to script and produce killer YouTube ads? Ready to scale to $10k/Day+ in profitable spend?

Learn the sysmtem that drove over $100M+ in revenue for our clients right HERE

Till next week!


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