I Was A Sitting Duck
Sharnee Bennett
Helping Experts & Service Providers Automate And Scale Their Business Online Towards $10,000 per month And Move Away From Old Model Marketing Methods
When I worked for IBM & PricewaterhouseCoopers, I really enjoyed what I was doing. I had 2 degrees, Chartered Accountant, I worked on big projects, big deals and had a chance to shape IT projects around Australia.
I was made redundant and told "my services were no longer required".
This action was a surprise, I KNEW it could happen but I didn't know it WOULD happen.
So I started Contracting. This gave me more flexibility and variety but ultimately less security. Life became about securing "the next contract" or making sure the current contract "never ended".
None of this really made me happy, it was just a way of life that I had created that happened to be very stressful, insecure and impermanent.
When I first started taking notice of how I felt about this situation, it had been at least 10 years that I had been living that way.
I was exhausted. I was emotional & physically exhausted from the constant demands and continuous stress of my employment.
When I first decided to create another life outside of this, I had no idea if it would really work.
I just knew that I needed two things for my life to improve:
One, I had to get off the rat race I was on.
Two, I needed to be in control of my own destiny.
A lady came to me this week, after being suddenly made redundant by a large international employer. Her role had been restructured and she had now been thrown into the chaos, upset, turmoil and confusion that that situation created.
She asked me "What do you think I should do?"
I told her what was in my heart.
You should do, whatever it takes to ensure your families survival outside your primary employment. That means if your job is restructured or reorganised in anyway, that your family is going to be okay.
If that means getting a side business in place, a coaching business, selling online programs & products, investing in shares or property, saving cash or cleaning offices at nights or houses on the weekend - whatever that means to you - then it would be without a doubt, a good move for you to consider to safe guard your family.
And two, what will make you incredibly happy? If you hadn't fallen into what you are doing right now, what would you actually choose to do?
As hard as it is, the time of my life that made me feel the least uncertain was while I was living under the constant threat of restructuring from corporate organisations. And the times when I have felt the most in control & happy was when I was doing what I love, using my god given talents & gifts and serving people all over the world.
Look for yourself. BEING a sitting duck and KNOWING you are sitting duck is two very different things. Have the courage to look, it will give you new clarity, I promise you that.