If i sign up to a paid porn site on my credit card will my parents know?
If i sign up to a paid porn site on my credit card will my parents know?
i know that there's millions of free porn sites in the Internet but there's a site i really wanna sign up but i have to pay to do it i have to pay with my credit card and im afraid if i do that my dad will know like i don't know how maybe he goes to a bank and see what i waisted my money on and see that i spent my money on a porn site and will the police and the government know i did it cause in my country its illegal to watch porn videos so i don't want them to know well they know
ANSWER: For Credit and finance solutions I visit this site where you can find all the solutions. INSURANCEANDFINANCETIPS.INFO
"My husband and i took out a payday loan at advance america in las vegas nevada, can they take us to court/jail
my husband and i took out a loan at advance america in las vegas nevada totaling $112.00. they are now leaving messages saying that they're going to take us to court for fraud. can they really do that or is there a procedure that they have to follow?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
If you have bad credit can you still open a checking account in bank of america?
i have a checking account with Wachovia but after Direct Tv charged me $200 dollars for cancelling services i want another account But can i still open a checking account in Bank of America?
Will the dealership or I get a refund from the auto loan company?
I recently purchased a car and had a trade in. The dealership, of course, is to pay it off. I asked how long it usually takes. They said that it would take about a month."" That puts my account"
Where's the best place to get a small auto loan?
My car broke like tonight and I need just about 1000 bucks real fast to get a cheap car. Is there any loan place that could do that?
"With (really)bad credit, if I put down 50% or 60% can I get a mortgage?"
Debts are paid off, but it took a long time. The family is looking for a fresh start in a new state...but it's a family of 5 plus in-laws...so we need a decent size living space."
Where can i go to get an auto loan on a vehicle either online or in the Atlanta area?
Where can i find a $8000.00 auto loan for a private party purchase in georgia or online from a legit company for a 97 jeep wrangler? Please help!
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Why was I denied for this credit card?
I was very surprised to find that I was denied for a Frontier Airlines Master Card. I am young, but my husband and I have good credit (upper 700's) and own our home (never been late on payments) and have 2 fully paid off new vehicles. We have a few other credit cards with balances of less than $100 on them, but wanted a Frontier one because of how often we travel. Our debt to income ratio is great, so I don't understand why they wouldn't give us one. Any ideas?"
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Concerning a Chapter 7 Personal Bankruptcy Filing..................?
I am the sole shareholder of a Corporation that has over $50,000 in assets, mostly cash that I use as an operating account. Does this asset have to be included in or be a part of my Personal Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Filing? It is the only asset I have. I have gone through a major medical incident and have not worked in over 2 years. These are funds I have borrowed from family and friends to start a new business and want to protect them. Since a Corporation is a stand alone entity, I think that it does not have to be included in or be a part of the Filing. My personal debt, including medical bills exceeds $70,000. Tom"
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
18 year old trying to build a good credit score?
Hi everyone! I'm a student and i want to start working on my credit score for my future. So far I applied at 2 different banks for credit cards, waiting for approval. Also applied for a gas card at Shell. I know the goal is to basically show that I can payoff my bills on time, and my credit score will be going up. I just wanted to know if any of you, who have more experience with credit cards and building up credit score, think Im going the right direction here? What else should i do? Any other advice? Any help is appreciated Thanks Kris"
Questions about an auto loan?
Im thinking about buying my first car and its going to be within 10 000 dollars. I am a 19 year old college student and i need to take out a loan. im not sure which is going to be better for me a bank or a credit union? If i do take it from the bank do i have to pay a higher insurance coverage for the car? i was thinking a 60 months loan term would be within my range but if i do decide to pay it off before my loan term ends is there going to be any special fees or charges i have to pay? Ive had my license for three years without any traffic violation, if that matters"
Bad Credit 480 when I was 18 and maxed my first credit card?
Now, I checked on experian.. I have 1 negative standing account (the maxed credit card i owe like 1500) and 6 good standing accounts.... If my credit score was previously in the high 400s would it be higher now? (btw i went on the annualcreditreport.com so I only got my free report for the year, not my credit score which is apparently not free)"
I am takeing a home loan but they want a form 16 for that and my co didnt give form 16 what shou;ld i do for t
I am takeing a home loan but they want a form 16 for that and my co didnt give form 16 what shou;ld i do for t
Whats the best way to refinance a car?
Whats the best way to refinance a car?
"If you use a credit card at ross's, do they ask for your id?"
well, i've used it at restaurants, and they never ask for id, but i'm still worried that the store might anyways. i have cash just in case, but i'm also worried they'll think i stole the card if i ask if i can just use cash instead after they request id."
Best place to get a home loan with bad credit?
I am looking for a return on rent. I pay over $1000 for a place to live anyways, but do have a few problems with my credit. Where is a good place to try for a loan, I don't want my credit looked at sooo many times. I know of other people with bad credit say they get a loan. Any ideas? Nobody here really owner finance b/c plenty of people looking to buy."
Default on student loans?
Actually I called and they were starting the process and hadnt actually put them into default. So I think I will be okay. I got on a payment plan
I co-signed an auto loan and the bank put the loan in my name what can I do ?
I co-signed an auto loan and the bank put the loan in my name what can I do ?
Where can i bid without using any CREDIT CARD?
Actually i dont have a credit card and my dad doesnt wanna lend his card, so i thought that if there was any other bidding auction site where i can bid without the credit card. THANKS."
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
If i sign up to a paid porn site on my credit card will my parents know?
i know that there's millions of free porn sites in the Internet but there's a site i really wanna sign up but i have to pay to do it i have to pay with my credit card and im afraid if i do that my dad will know like i don't know how maybe he goes to a bank and see what i waisted my money on and see that i spent my money on a porn site and will the police and the government know i did it cause in my country its illegal to watch porn videos so i don't want them to know well they know
ANSWER: For Credit and finance solutions I visit this site where you can find all the solutions. INSURANCEANDFINANCETIPS.INFO
They are still jacking up my credit report?
there was this collection agency that sold the account to another collection agency and so then i paid and settled last february with the second collection company and the first one is still reporting that I owe them every month and the account is still delinquent...What can I do?
I filed Bankruptcy last year/Taxes?
Hi, I filed for bankruptcy last year, went to court and got a discharge for my debts. I'm now trying to file taxes. Is there anything different I need to do? Thanks so much!"
Can I request an auto loan amount that is higher than what I paid for the car?
Hi everyone- I just bought my first car from a carmax lot for $13,900. I initially settled with their high rate financing because another person was interested in the car and I didn't have the time to pursue other options. Luckily, the credit union on our corporate campus offers low interest (5.5%) auto loans to employees of our company. So now I am working on refinancing the loan through them. My question is - when I fill out the paperwork at the credit union, can I request a loan amount that is $1,000 over the $13,900 total cost I paid for the vehicle? Their form says they will finance up to 115% of the kelly blue book value, and $13,900 is far below that. If they approve the loan, does the credit union just give me a check that I can deposit so I can write my own personal check to carmax? I'm working hard to find cash for a down payment on a house i'm in love with, and this extra cash would really help. I highly appreciate all of your answers and advice. Thanks!"
Auto loan was not approved... I may have to turn the car back in within a week?
- I did not buy my insurance from the dealership. I insured it through Allstate. - I shouldn't say new car. It was a certified pre-owned vehicle with few minor scratches on it... No dents whatsoever. - I was buying everything cash/debit for the past ten y
What is best best way to get out of credit card debt?
I have 15k in credit card debt and i want to get rid of soon. I dont want to do go thru debt consolidation companys because it will have a negative affect on my credit. how should i start? payoff the ones with high interest first or what?
My friend won't pay me back the money he owes me?
So, I have this friend"". His parents are poor so whenever we go out I always lend him money. He promised me that when he got a job he would pay me back. Well"
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
First Credit Card?? 17.74 % APR?? Is that high?
Im a college student and I want to build my credit before I get out of school. Any suggestions? What % APR is ok? Please help
What is the best website to check your credit report for free???
What is the best website to check your credit report for free???
Will my credit score go down?
SO I had 2 credit cards. i owe $645.00 dollars in one and i am like 90 days late in paying that one. i owe $480.00 dollars in another one but i was 30 days late in paying but i paid some off right now,. and i moved out my apartment because they wanted me to pay $1125. a month so i live with my sister now. will they lower my credit score now."
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
I am owed money by a franchised tutoring company that declared bankruptcy?
I am a student who was employed at a franchised tutoring company for approximately a month. I received one paycheck from them without issue. I went there one day to tutor and the center was evicted. I can get a hold of the owner, but he has informed me that there head office will pay me my owed salary. I contacted them and they say that it is my responsibility and that they aren't liable. Head office says this may change if the owners sign a form limiting head offices liabilities to students and teachers. There are 3 Co-owners, 2 of which I have been told will sign this agreement however the 3rd is avoiding all communication and hasn't signed. I am owed approximately 400 dollars and they closed down without warning Oct 31st. They are incorporated as far as I know. I am wondering what I should do, since I seem to be getting the run around from both the owner who hired me as well as head office. Can I file a claim against the owners, and if so how do I go about doing this?"
"What hotels, if any, on the strip in Las Vegas offer military discount rates?
I am going to Vegas pretty soon and was just wondering if there were any good hotels on the strip that offer a discount rate for military personnel.
Are there any highstreet payday loan companies that use alternatives to guaranteed cheques?
Are there any highstreet payday loan companies that use alternatives to guaranteed cheques?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Help me with a business name?
I prepare legal documents such as bankruptcy petition,divorces, wills, and immigration. I would like a catchy name for my Paralegal Services.I would like something with either Pro Se or Document Services in it. Or if you have anything else that may work please send it. Thanks!"
Question about paying your bills ontime to improve your credit score?
They say that you need to pay your bills on time and keep low balances on your credit card to raise your credit score. My question is, what bills are they talking about if the bills you are paying dont report to the credit bureaus?"
"(Unusual) Repairing low credit score? Soon I will be debt free, with no rent and only $350/mo in bills.?"
I lost everything in the economic crash. My high-paying job(I was jobless 18 months), my savings, checking, retirement. I missed many months on multiple credit cards and loans, broke my leg without insurance, lost my apartment, pawned my possessions for money, went to soup kitchens, and even panhandled. I moved back home when I lost my apartment.(My family has always been poor). Anyhow, in November I was in debt 45K before I got my current job. I now make $85K with bonus in a high-end legal professional job. My credit score is in the low 500s. I decided not to file bankruptcy and pay settlements on my debts (down to $25K). This debt will be gone in weeks due to shelling out almost every dollar I make to debt collectors. I literally will have no bills to pay besides my phone and student loan. Additionally, after many years my entire student loan bills will be paid off in a few months. So I will have just my phone bill. The lady at the bank said I will not qualify for any loan and no credit card under a huge %APR. So- by this time next year will be debt free, have almost no bills, be making about 90K and have tons of money in the bank..BUT BAD CREDIT. How do I build credit when I have no bills and can't get a respectable credit card or line of credit etc..? How will I rent a nice apartment I can easily pay for with a 510 credit rating?"
"I need a Personal loan of $1000 fast, not a payday loan.?"
I need a Personal loan of $1000 fast, not a payday loan.?"
Do all auto loans require you to be employed at your job for at least 90 days.?
I am 22 and I graduated from college about a month ago and got a really good job and have been working there for about 2 weeks. My base salary is a little over $40k, and I expect my total income for the year to be around $50k. My credit score is 725-735. I would like to buy a newer used car, somewhere in the area of $15,000-$17,000ish. I talked to someone at my bank today about the possibility of getting a loan, and I was told that they would not lend money to me because I have been working at my current employer for less then 90 days. The only difference a cosigner would make is that I would not have to put 20% down. I have never had an auto loan before, and I don't know if this is a typical requirement for getting a loan, or if it would be worth it to visit other banks. I was told that if I would be approved for a $17,000 loan, I could get a 2006 or newer for 4.25% over 63 months, or a 2005 and older for 6.5% over 36 months. If it makes a difference, my parents said they would cosign for me as well. Is it possible for me to get an auto loan someplace else?"
Will bad credit deter me from buying a home?
Will bad credit deter me from buying a home?
"With (really)bad credit, if I put down 50% or 60% can I get a mortgage?"
Debts are paid off, but it took a long time. The family is looking for a fresh start in a new state...but it's a family of 5 plus in-laws...so we need a decent size living space."
Which statement best describes the term congruent?
- same size 2. same shape 3. neither the same shape or size 4. both the same size and shape
"If you've never had a credit card and someone does a credit check on you, what will come up? ?"
I'm 20. I live on my own and my landlord didn't ask for a credit check or anything, I got lucky. But now I am looking for a different apartment. I think I found one I like but they require a credit check. I have never had a credit card, only a bank card. What will happen when they check my credit?"
What's a good credit card for a 21 year old?
I'm 21, and looking to build credit. I'd like to apply for a card today, but first I thought I'd ask all of you which cards you would suggest for me. What's a good, reliable card that you've had luck with? Thank you!"
If i sign up to a paid porn site on my credit card will my parents know?
i know that there's millions of free porn sites in the Internet but there's a site i really wanna sign up but i have to pay to do it i have to pay with my credit card and im afraid if i do that my dad will know like i don't know how maybe he goes to a bank and see what i waisted my money on and see that i spent my money on a porn site and will the police and the government know i did it cause in my country its illegal to watch porn videos so i don't want them to know well they know
ANSWER: For Credit and finance solutions I visit this site where you can find all the solutions. INSURANCEANDFINANCETIPS.INFO