I should be making multiple 6 figures...
Hillarie Kay
I Help High Performing Entrepreneurs and Teams Reduce Burnout and Increase Performance by finding equilibrium between their inner motivations and outer influence.
I should be making multiple 6 figures…
This is the thing I “should on myself” about the most.?
(If you don’t know what I mean by shoulding… I talked about it Monday on the LinkedIn feed and with my email list. If you're not on the list, click here to never miss content!)
Why do I believe I should be making multiple 6 figures?
Well, I want to succeed, achieve, be respected and valued.
And where did that number come from?
I have no freaking clue.
This arbitrary figure has given me more stress than I care to admit. It’s a mishmash of popular societal norms
The thing is, my family doesn't need me to make that much, and on some level I know that my value as a human
I’ve convinced myself that anything short of that is a failure. I've concocted this story where my worth is directly proportional to my earnings
It’s stressful.
And it is stress I am putting on myself… no one else.
Literally NO ONE.??
And for what?
But in my mind I’ve crafted this story…?
that I need to make just as much if not more than my husband.?
that my kids will only value their time with me if I’m able to buy them extras/take them to expensive places.
that my extended family will only respect me if I reach a certain level.
that the only way not to fail is to make that much.
But I have certain tactics I use to combat those lies…
I run them through a facts vs. feelings exercise.
I get a piece of paper and list out my feeling on one side. I take time to recognize the feeling and validate it, but instead of trying to change the feeling, I work through it.? I work through it with the facts side.? Listing everything I know to be true or false about this feeling—based on objective facts and information
And I ask myself questions…
Where did this feeling or belief originate?
What in my life perpetuates those beliefs
What do I feel like I’m gaining by holding on to that belief?
What would life be like if I didn’t have that belief?
Question for you … what feelings/beliefs do YOU have where you might need to do a facts vs. feelings exercise
Cheers to Growth!
Hillarie Kay
Creator of the Burnout Recovery System
Book coming Spring 2024 (Download a free chapter here.)
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