I see your gifts; I want you to flourish

I was going to name this blog 'I'm stubborn as f- and despise waste' but that seemed almost unnecessarily harsh.

I had just got back into the house and was muttering to myself about how stupidly stubborn I am.

You see, Jasper has requested that we go walkies no less than 3 times in the past 2 hours. It's currently 3 degrees celsius outside. And both my coats are in my car (and therefore freezing).

And so, three times this evening, I have taken my dog on sniff and pee walks, wearing only wellington boots, leggings and a t-shirt.

In 3 degree celsius, clear and dry weather.

Because I'm really fucking stubborn like that.

The cold may have affected my brain a touch.

The other thing that has been on my mind recently is how much I despise waste.

I have a whole issue with hoarding and letting things go because I get hung up on the wasted potential of an object.

I haven't used it enough.

I've bought too much food and had to throw half away.

I had great plans for something that just never came good.

It makes me so sad to the wasted potential in an object.

But what grinds my gears more than anything on this planet is watching women let their talents, their expertise, their spark and life and vitality, go to waste.

On thinking they aren't enough.

On waiting for everyone else to be ok before they care for themselves.

On trying to shuffle through and make do instead of staring it in the face.

It makes me so desperately unhappy sometimes that I could scream and cry.

Sometimes, I do.

When I see women saying 'I know that I need to do this but I need to wait until something else is paid for/until things settle down a bit/until the stars align'.

The most opened email I've sent all month was titled 'this is the sign that you've been waiting for' and I couldn't help but laugh.

We are all waiting for signs.

Waiting for permission.

Waiting to feel enough.

Waiting to catch a break.

Except, luck isn't something that's given to you. It's something that's made.

Ask for forgiveness, not permission.

Become enough by creating it.

Make your own luck.

You're so damned good at it in every other area of your life, why would you allow it to continue to hold you back in this one?

I see your gifts, I see what you could be.

The bright, vibrant, energised, happy, inspired you.

The one for whom everything comes easily.

The one with the midas touch.

I see that potential within you.

And I see you hiding from it.

Burying it under layers of to-do lists and obligations.

Why are you so afraid to shine bright, to be the highest version of yourself?

Why are you so convinced that what you have been defines what you are and will be?

Because it's all a story.

And it's all a lie.

I see you.

I see your potential.

I want to see you flourish.

Don't you, too?

PS This weekend is your last opportunity to book your 30 minute laser coaching session with me completely free of charge. I don't know if/when I will be offering these again so please don't hold back.

These sessions are for you if you're feeling stuck, struggling, overwhelmed, exhausted or even ready to give up.

Regardless of whether you want to stay in your job, switch it up, start all over again it always comes back to this: wherever you go, there you are.

The stories and struggles and sabotages follow you. You can either become more conscious and change them, or keep running.

I ran for a long time, and let me tell you it's exhausting.

If you want to book some time with me to start changing instead of hiding, then click here

But if you already know that you're ready to do the work, to become the change you want to see? If you know that you want to feel happy, energised, free again?

Let's stop dancing around it and let's do the work.

Click here to start working with me 1:1. We start our 6 hour long sessions in January but you can start getting 1:1 support from me via audio and text message right away.

Places are limited and right now you can either spread the cost over a whopping 7 months and start with a single low payment, or you can save 25% off by paying upfront in full.

I don't plan on offering anything like these payment arrangements again until the end of 2018, by which point my prices will have doubled again.

So, why delay any further?


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