i see you: Reflections
Peter Piper, CISSP
Application Security Leader @ KPMG International | Cloud Security, Emerging Tech
The basic word I-You can be spoken only with one's whole being. The concentration and fusion into a whole being can never be accomplished by me, can never be accomplished without me. I require a You to become; becoming I, I say You.
- Marin Buber "I and Thou"
Where have we been and where are we going? We can't go back to where we came from. Ever! Those dark places, shadows, absent of light. We need to establish new ways of communicating, a new platform for positive constructive dialogue. A platform where we can embody the essence of "I. See. You.". We need to transcend into "I and Thou", where love and light can be found!
What are you talking about Peter? We need to pause, reflect and change our optics and perspectives. Although I may not be as elegant as Amanda Gorman at President Biden's inauguration; We need to heal, become student's of ourselves, to learn how we can become the light. Together. Together!
If we could tell our past selves, what would it be?
Where were we? We were in the shadow of something evil, void of the light. "You can't fake lighting, but you can plan thunder." -Marlon Craft State of the Union (NOTE: Explicit lyrics within this content)
Peter, you are repeating some of this rhetoric. Do note I have "spoken" on love, light and changing the ways we think, using non-traditional forms of thought. While my previously written thoughts were more of an abstract, I will transform these abstractions into more tangibles, more pragmatism and in alignment with the light that I must be.
The life of a human being does not exist merely in the sphere of goal-directed verbs. It does not consist merely of activities that have something for their object.
- Martin Buber "I and Thou"
What are you proposing Peter? Time to pause, time to reflect. Review and evaluate our existing lexicon. Review and evaluate our emotional state. How each of these get impacted by social platforms. Where and how can technology change these social platforms. Identify these social platforms' weaknesses, so that we, society, can no longer be used. As pawns.
Ask yourself, where do you want to be? What is your phoenix, rising from the ashes that were created from these past several years? How will you say "I see you" and embody every aspect of love for each other? How will we work together, so that what we lived through does not happen again? How will we acknowledge and face our unconscious bias?
"I see you"
...with love and light!
For me, love and light transcends space and time. Love and light is not bound by space and time, allowing us to heal, strengthening our former, current and future selves. Love and light guides us, our hearts and our passions. Through us, love and light can move mountains, withstand fear, and we can "be" in our presence. Forever.
Disclaimer: As always, this and all of my articles written to date are my opinion and not the opinion of my current employer.