Danielle Mills
Helping you fall back in love with your Business ?? | Embracing YOU in all your YOU-NESS | Rebellious Coaching Shenanigans for Business Owners | De-Funk & Re-Wire | Master NLP Coach | Here to Get My Geek On With YOU! ??
Oh hey YOU!
Yep, you.
YES you can stop pointing at yourself and looking behind you – I AM TALKING TO YOU.
Look, I don’t want to be creepy or anything.
But I see you.
I know you don’t know me yet, but you will.
When the time is right. (Or not. You'll know.)
I just wanted to shout across this crowded platform, cut through the noise to let you know it’s all going to be ok.
This whole ‘changing jobs’ thing though, we need to look at it.
I know it’s not easy when you’ve been in the same place for so long, it becomes your home, your safe place. Even when you’re no longer happy there, it’s familiar and cosy and you know it inside and out. I get it. But it’s run its course, you’ve taken it as far as you can and you know I’m right.
You’ve been thinking about moving on from where you are for quite a while now, haven’t you?
So, how many more ‘things’ are you going to let get in your way?
It’s like every time you DARE to dream about what your next move could be, you remember ‘that thing’ that needs to happen first before you bite the bullet and actually go for it. You’ve had A LOAD of ‘that things', haven't you? (I told you, I see you.)
Remember when you said:
“I’ll do it in the new year.”
“I’ll do it after my holiday.”
“I’ll do it after that big event.”
“I’ll do it IF that promotion / pay rise / review doesn’t happen.”
“I’ll do it when I’m a better place.”
“I’ll do it when I’m ready.”
You know yourself that you might as well be waiting for a day to come that doesn’t end in Y.
You know yourself that you’re holding yourself back because you’re absolutely shit scared of the unknown.
What else would you do, if not this?
Where else would you work, if not here?
Who else would you work for, if not them?
What CAN you do?
CAN you do anything?
All the fears.
Remember, I see you.
I see that you’ve forgotten what lights you up.
You’ve forgotten what you love to do, what you’re brilliant at.
You know you’re good at your job, you can do it with your eyes closed.
THAT’S one of the problems.
It’s comfortable, it’s safe, but it still doesn’t FEEL comfortable because on some level you KNOW that there is better out there for you.
You feel 'flat' with your life even though you know you have so much to be grateful for.
You feel guilty for wanting more but you do.
You feel like you’ve lost your identity, you feel like you’ve nothing to contribute to the conversation any more and you can’t remember the last time you felt excited by life.
The thought of getting a new job comes in waves. One minute it will fill you with excitement, anticipation and delight and the next minute you’re rooted to the spot with fear.
And this goes on. Year after year.
I know you’ve made a few half-hearted attempts to move on, I see that. But your heart wasn’t in it because you didn’t really know where to start, what to look for, what you WANTED.
I see that you talk to family and friends about it and they’re supportive but they want to keep you SAFE. So whilst their advice comes from a good place, it’s not going to help you to move on or to break free of the groundhog day life you’ve found yourself in.
I see all of this and I know you see it too.
The amazing thing is, as well as being able to see all of this, I can also see FUTURE YOU.
And FUTURE YOU has got some serious SASS going on. She accepted, in our first session of working together, that it’s OK to feel you’ve taken your job as far as you can and that sometimes a place of employment – just like a relationship – can run its course. She then felt able to look back over her past, get clear on her present and then get excited about what’s next.
She started to see herself in the way that I saw her and the fog lifted – quickly.
Just letting you know that Future You has loved working with me because every step we have taken, we’ve taken together.
She has felt lighter, lifted and supported.
Her anxiety was quickly replaced with excitement and she stepped quickly into that brand new life.
Future You knows that I’ve been where she was and she trusted me to get her where she didn’t even know she wanted to be.
I see you.
And I know that it’s been A LONG TIME since you’ve broken the rules and done anything for YOU.
I also know that you’re a rule-breaking SAVAGE on the quiet.
So, whenever you’re not ready, let’s crack on and I’ll show you how to get ready, be ready and to actually step into that new life. Just one step, that's ALL it takes, to start it all off.
I can’t unsee what I've seen is next for you.
And you’re not going to want to miss a second of your new life.
Whenever you’re (not) ready.