My experiences in recruting
From the begining fo my entreprenuership I have been facing different kinds of challenges in recruting white collar employees. As a soloprenuer, in the begining I was not aware about the importance of right recruitment. So I did not follow proper methods of recruting process. As a result, conflits between employees and myself as well among the employees happened frequently. Similarly quitting jobs by the employees as well hiring new people became the order of the day. Due to this I could not develop the culture that I wanted to build in the company. So growth of my business stood still. At a point I could understand that the root cause of problem is neither the persons whom I hire nor myself, but it is my inability as an entreprenuer to hire the right person for the right job. After that I gathered knowledge from various sources like,social media, experts, books of eminent authors,onlie courses and from my practical experiences pertaining to. Now as a matured entreprenuer I value time and effort of people whom I hire, when they are undergoing probation period. This in turn helps me to be foccussed in the objective of recruiting. Even job seekers must be dealt with due respect, because I believe that every human has his own abilites and inabilities. I reinstate that It is the skill and responsibility of an entreprenuer or hiring manager to choose the right candidate so that the harmony hovaring upon the team will not be disrupted by the new appointee.
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