I Recently Was On A Brutal Red Eye Flight

I Recently Was On A Brutal Red Eye Flight

Usually, they aren't so bad because I sleep as soon as we take off, but this particular time I had a weird situation.

It was around 4 am and I woke up because I had to use the bathroom. As soon as I stood up and looked over at the bathroom, I noticed there was a long ass line.

I had to pee so bad that my urine felt like it was going to come out of every pore.

I tried to find the other bathroom on the plane, but of course, it was out of order.

I didn't know what to do with myself.

It's so funny because when you're close to relieving yourself, and you have to wait, your urge to urinate intensifies.

I was literally jumping up and down.

Frantically twirling my hips to trick my bladder and get my mind off peeing my pants.

After about 10 mins, I realized the line wasn't moving.

All the people in front of me seemed as frustrated as me.

As we started talking to each other and complaining about the wait, we became even more impatient.

It was torture and we were all getting pissed off as to whoever was in the stall.

At that point, I had enough!

I made my way to the front of the line and asked the guy by the bathroom door,

"hey who's in there and why are they taking so damn long?"

He said he saw 2 men go in half an hour ago.

What the hell are two grown men doing in a tiny bathroom stall?

We even started knocking and banging on the door to give them

a clue that there's a line outside waiting to use the bathroom.

No response?

We then got the stewardess to help.

Even her firm authoritative voice could not get the door open.

After an eternity of heavy knocking and a mob of angry people yelling,

the door busted open and two tall broad shouldered dudes came out.

They were wearing matching lavender colored silk pajamas, white giant furry bunny slippers

and they both had green mud masks on their face.

They reeked of a flowery scent and walked by us with their noses in the air.

No apology or explanation whatsoever,

as if we weren't even there.

I had never seen anything like it in my life!

It caused a scene and the entire plane looked back to figure out what was going on.

These two dudes weren't even phased.

They just plopped down in their seats, put on their eye masks on and went to sleep without a care in the world.

After I finally got out of the bathroom, I reflected on these two men and thought to myself...

Wow, they are really living in the moment and they didn't even care who was there or what was going on around them.

Sometimes, we are always in our head and our thoughts are constantly running through our minds.

Imagine if we were like these two guys who just didn't care about their surroundings and just lived life under their own terms.

They were free from thoughts and other people opinions.

Now I am not saying that I would lock myself in an airplane bathroom with another guy

and get a facial while ignoring the people around me.

BUT, it is nice to live in the moment and shut out everything that interferes with time and space.

Even when I was struggling not to pee my pants,

all I could do is focus on relieving myself and nothing else mattered outside of that moment.

Day by day, I do my best to focus on the present moment, because NOW is all we have.

When I catch myself overthinking or analyzing something that makes me anxious.

I ask myself this simple question,

"Is it Happening NOW?"

If it's it not, I stop thinking about it and bring myself back to the peaceful present moment.

I find that the more present I am, the more I enjoy life.

The next time you find yourself worrying about the future or regretting something you did in the past.

Simply Stop and ask yourself,

"Is it Happening, right now?"

If it's not, don't give it your precious attention.

Life is too short to stay stressed.

Your peace of mind is important. Just let it go.

Studies have shown that 85% of the things we worry about, never even happen.

Most times, when bad shit happens, we often deal with it in a better way than anticipated.

In a life or death situation, or even worse,

being faced with the fear of peeing in your pants,

you will always figure out a solution.

No need to waste any time worrying about it.


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