I Read - Grounding Techniques Explained By Fatma Kamal, Integrative Nutritionist
Abir El-Ghonemy
International HR Expert @ Donor Development Agencies | HR Consulting Services
We might be passing through a wide spectrum of emotions throughout the day especially if we’re facing the day sober, vs having our feelings suppressed.
While some of those momentary emotions might feel unpleasant, all of them are still in essence divine built in technology.
As some might believe that stress or fear for example can cause illness, this statement remains true and false. Feelings can either cause us illnesses or actually protect us from them. So most of us are somehow acquainted with the negative effect of “negative” feelings on the body.
How can those “negative” feelings on the other hand protect us?
Well think fear? A predator animal is running towards you and you know he or she has been hungry.. what if you don't feel afraid? Ding! Protective feeling.
Or imagine your hand is on a very hot fiery surface, but you don't feel any “negative” feelings, how are you going to know that your hand is not supposed to be here?
So back to those feelings. All the spectrum is divine given built in technology for even more and more reasons.
But do they sometimes actually harm us, those “negative” feelings?
It all depends on either we are allowing ourselves to feel them (taking time out to actually and practically sit and feel them), or we are suppressing them, keeping them in our system like undigested foods?...
Undigested (un-felt) emotions create dis-ease of energy flow, hence manifest so called illnesses, inflammations and deficiencies.
However felt emotions (not avoided by any avoidance mechanism like addiction, withdrawal, self attack, attacking other) using meditation or by simply dropping into the body sensation, allowing emotions to be felt no matter how unpleasant or pleasant they feel, actually allows the hormonal system to run smoothly and effectively.
But what’s the drill? What’s empowering or healthy about that? Well, awareness is empowering.
When we take time out to feel our feelings throughout the day like now for example, we use the awareness “muscle” being aware of those feelings by actually and really feeling them (not thinking about them).
And when we tap into that awareness field more often, not only we become wiser and more productive beings, we also become healthier connecting with our body needs, sending signals to that powerful body saying that it is okay we are not in a fight or flight position, no need to run on energy reserve, keep those vitamins in the bank reserve, we’re good; we are dealing with our feelings. We are not fighting now.
And the body bit by bit starts to understand and new brain pathways and patterns are created, by solely communicating physically/inwardly with our body. By what? By Those sacred feelings.
So are we allowing our feelings (hormones) to be felt throughout the day as much as we can by dropping into the moment physical sensations, Or are we fighting our own bodies? By fighting our own emotions (hormones)..?
Remember Unpleasant sensation doesn't necessarily mean harmful. Think physical exercise.
It takes courage to Feel those feelings.
To Strengthen that awareness muscle.
It takes courage to step into power.
Awareness is Power.