I Read These 17 Things Every Day

I Read These 17 Things Every Day

We have helped set up over 100 family office solutions for ultra-wealthy families, and we often coach them to have a family compass built out.

This way they know where they are going on a macro level. It is also super helpful to have something you read daily to orient your actions through the correct lens at the start of each day.

To help myself get more done per day, in the right way, I read these statements every morning and thought it may be helpful to share them. These are pulled from books, workshops, mentors, and friends:

1. Do not tolerate problems, be demanding with upholding your standard of excellence (Ray Kroc)

2. What you do matters more than how hard you work

3. No linear opportunities or crank mentality, exponential ideas only

4. Only work on what you are excited about

5. What would this process look like if it was easy? (Dan Sullivan)

6. It is not about how good I am at the game, it is about what game am I playing?

7. This is not a popularity contest, this is the one shot to reach my potential

8. Listen to billionaires

9. Hurry and stress are no longer part of my life (Brendon Burchard)

10. What can we do to make success inevitable (Eben Pagan)

11. The more simple and elegant the model the better (Dean Jackson)

12. Your mental state and the story you tell yourself you are operating in are more important than strategy

13. Hustle Hustle Hustle

14. Improve habits and routines every month to be smarter, faster, happier

15. Happiness is the priority

16. Sleep and nutrition are most important

17. Freedom is gained through restriction

What you need to read or review or remind yourself of daily is going to be unique to you, but I wanted to share the first half of my favorite quotes and reminders today in order to plant the seed that will get this in place for you. I will follow up with the second half of this list soon, but having this somewhere you will bump into it, like on your wall, desk, or where you shave or brush your teeth each day, etc. can make a big impact on consistent execution.

I hope you can tell me what helps you most on consistent execution when we see each other in person at the?Family Office Super Summit on December 13th in Fort Lauderdale.


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