i quit, I QUIT!
Is it too late, did I really just say it. Out loud. Denise could feel her body get cold. The room felt freezing and her hair was positively on end.
"Owww, I just said that didn't I... Umm."
One more swallow to fix the dry feeling spreading throughout her mouth. It's real. I just quit.
"Are you ok, is this what you... are you sure?"
Jack is such a bastard. He doesn't care if she's okay. Her memory of their pharmacy encounter surfaced. How could he shoplift in front of her like that. Who takes a newspaper and walks out without paying. It's a newspaper. She shifts in her seat and straightens up. This is overdue.
"Yes, I'm okay. This is...I quit. Yea. I really enjoyed my time here. This place has taught me more than I ever expected. I'll forever be grateful for this opportunity."
"Well if there's anything I can do to change your mind? We'll always appreciate your time at Tolerbly."
"So what's next, I'm happy to work out the notice period. I know this is a surprise."
"I'll share the news with Liz and we can go from there. Thank you Denise."
Jack stood from behind his desk as I got up to leave. Outside the HR office I exhaled a sigh of relief. Why does leaving for good feel like this? I'm well within my rights. Liz has been horrendous to work with, she's mean and passive aggressive and has zero manners.
***phone rings***
"Hi Denise?"
"Hi Josh! I did it, I quit! I'm out of here"
"How did it go, how'd he take it?"
"He didn't seem too surprised. Said he's going to speak with Liz and see if they want me to work out my notice period. I pretty much took your advice and remembered to thank them for their time here, yada, yada."
"Well that's good, it's never useful to burn a bridge."
"All bridges in tact so far!"
"Well Clayton will be lucky to have you. Jen in HR called me today about your paperwork. She said Eric told her he was really happy you said yes to joining their team. Remember we set the start date a month out so even if you have to work the two weeks it won't be a problem. Are you prepared if they counter offer?"
I felt so happy to have Josh on hand. He was a recruiter but he turned out to be quite useful for this stuff. This was definitely a tricky end of town for me and I'd never really had to quit a job before. It felt like he held my hand through my interviews with Clayton and although I had to move I felt excited by the projects ahead.
"Hello? Are you there?"
"Sorry Josh, yes I'm here. I doubt they'll counter but I already know. It'll cost them money to keep me and it'll cost them money to replace me. If they offer, I won't take it as a compliment!"
This made us laugh and to be honest I felt relief.
"Ok, I'll be in touch on Monday when they let me know. Josh, thank you! For everything"
"Glad I can help, now go enjoy the last few days in your apartment. Have a cocktail to celebrate or something please."
" I will, bye!"
Denise stood outside the building and let the sun melt the chill of the office from her body. She was smiling. She felt happy. It all worked out. She was ready for the next chapter.
Rock Point Search is a full service recruitment agency. If you're hiring or looking we're here to help.
Can you relate to this story? Send me your wild and craziest quitting story, even if it's not your own I want to hear about it.