I Quit. I Think.
How many times have you thought " I am sooooo out of here," "I am soooo over this place," "I am soooo gone" And, yet....you're still not out, over, or gone. Time to get real girl. Stop dreaming and start scheming.
I know, I've heard it all..you'd l.o.v.e. to leave, but 1) you can't risk losing the security you have in your current job, 2) you don't know what you want to do, so you need to stay put for now 3) why try, you'd never get the job you REALLY want any way, and/or 4) you don't have the energy to put together a resume and launch a job search (add the word YUCK here).
I've also heard it all in respect to why you just must leave including: 1) expectations are horrifyingly unrealistic, 2) flexibility to balance your work and family life is non-existent, 3) appreciation and acknowledgement of a job expertly executed is extremely rare, and/or 4) financial security is not in the cards if you continue to make the type of compensation you are currently earning.
So, basically, your trapped, stuck really...right? Well, that type of thinking is for quitters, and I don't mean the job quitter variety. So, what's a girl to do? Well. Simple. You need to do what is most foreign to you. You need to get help. You need to create a fail safe exit strategy action plan, and start working it. Enough said!
If you're thinking "no, not enough said, that doesn't sound simple at all," then I'll remind you the "you need to get help" part of the solution. If you'll allow me to do a plug here for myself, I'm a career clarity and job search coach, so I'd love to help you, but if that's not in the cards for you, there are friends, family members, mentors and others who can help you as well. All you need to do is ask, and accept their help.
Stop struggling and go get what you deserve. Get what you're worth. Don't leave money on the table. Claim it. Start by claiming your complimentary discovery session with me at 414-217-4076. If we determine I can help you achieve your dream, I'll ask if you'd like me to share my quick fix in six (sessions) coaching program with you. If you agree to learning about the package, I will only explain what it is and the cost. I will not ask you to make a decision during the session. Then, if you decide you do want to engage my services, you can contact me at a later date. I have set my fees to be reasonable and budget friendly. My intention is to be affordable for those I work with.
I'll end with my 2017 intention for you, which is for you to get the clarity and the confidence you need to take the action you must to get what you want and deserve most.
Principal at Zak Consulting Engineers LL
8 年Hi Terry, No longer at Graef and on your own. Congratulations and good luck. Peter Zak
Assistant Director - Field Marketing at Northwestern Mutual
8 年Great post Terry! Your wise counsel is priceless and I know you are going to help a lot of people find clarity.
Integrated Confidence Coach
8 年Thanks!! So kind of you to say! I'm loving every minute