I QUIT My Finance Job After Learning 3 Things

I QUIT My Finance Job After Learning 3 Things

I QUIT My Finance Job After Learning 3 Things

In. Hi everyone, Naam. My is here back with another video, and in this video I get this question a lot. I'm going to tell you why you should not get a job in private equity. So many people compete and I work with a lot of mostly older folks, but there's sometimes younger entrepreneurs and I guess entrepreneurs as well that. (why is equity important in real estate)

We talk to and then that are really ambitious. So a common question that we get is, is should I focus on building my own fund or should I just work for an investment bank or a private equity firm? So here's my personal answer. My personal answer is only work for a private equity firm if you need to in order to start your own.

I personally really am against people working for people for extended periods of time, especially if they're young. And my main reasons are that now more than ever, is never been this easy, especially in the Western world, for somebody to start their own business. And I'm not sure how long this would last, but I think that there's something, there's a real big shift happening where people can just get their laptop and they can have deep experience about something and actually help people get results in the specific area and help them make it happen. (why is equity important in real estate)

So I definitely think that the way that the information has become so accessible to people. I definitely think that people should focus on creating their own businesses as soon as possible, and I'm not sure how long this availability will last for people to be able to do this. Maybe it'll get even better.

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