I propose a solution to all conflicts: the EL4DEV program
Elvere - Paul DELSART
Ingénieur social, Eco-entrepreneur, Directeur de programme d'ingénierie participative multidisciplinaire et de Construction Sociale, Auteur / éditeur de romans et nouvelles d’Anticipation
Our societies are complex systems. In order to find concrete solutions to these problems, we need to look at the science of complex systems and systems engineering. What if an engineering mechanism applied to all of these themes was the only solution? This mechanism could ultimately replace current political systems and completely overhaul the current system of international relations.
Who I am
My job is to carry out multidisciplinary systems engineering applied to technology, environment, society, diplomacy and geopolitics so that the different peoples of the world gradually gain in wisdom, in mutual understanding, in autonomy, in sovereignty and in dignity and then finally activate in a collaborative way in the co-construction of a better world. I carry out societal intelligence which differs strongly from economic intelligence and social intelligence in that my coordinated activities of collecting and processing information are useful not to economic nor to political stakeholders, as has always been done, but to all the populations themselves. I conceptualize and design several societal, environmental and educative development projects that are innovative and transformative at a regional, national and cross-national level. I promote the concepts of SOCIETAL DIPLOMACY and POLITICAL-SOCIETAL UNIONS then build their processes and tools. I design and manage transnational decentralized cooperation events in several countries simultaneously. Finally, I am also a freelance consultant and artist.
My initiative
For several years (2011), I have been leading a transnational program of major societal change, the EL4DEV program, providing real operational and organizational solutions for France and the whole world. I have a structured and coherent political vision for France and have designed an application mechanism capable of profoundly modifying all the codes of French society and of modifying the very foundations of international cooperation. My objective is to provide a highly stimulating framework and adequate participatory tools to initiate unprecedented mass decentralized cooperation and quantifiable and modelable progress actions to thus positively transform the socio-organizational environment of France and the rest of the world. All countries are concerned by this approach and these actions.
The Not-for-profit organization "LE PAPILLON SOURCE EL4DEV" is the brain of the program
- I conceptualize & design societal & environmental projects (innovative and transformative) at a regional, national & cross-national level - I realize the technical specifications & develop the main solutions. - I look for contributing municipalities whose return on investments would be co-ownership of infrastructures, influence & commercial profits. These contributions would be part of their investment expenditure. Operational agreements would be established between the think-tank & municipalities. These then form Cross Municipalities Syndicates or Economic Interest Groupings (G.I.E.) in order to pool the investment. I design, organize & plan: - artistic cooperation events to convey the essence of the projects - intellectual cooperation events to develop technical solutions according to the technical specifications
Actions of the EL4DEV program
§ Development of innovative concepts, alternative processes and development projects
§ Design and promotion of information systems (interconnected web platforms) § Design and promotion of innovative leisure parks and eco-landscape, eco-tourism, agro tourism, agro-climatic, educational and interconnected infrastructures
§ Design of cross-national events for decentralized cooperation in EUROPE, AFRICA and MIDLE-EAST (researchers, engineers, inventors, artists and students) § Search for international public and private partners and investors
“Le Papillon Source” is the ambitious cross-national project of a series of 100% innovative, experimental, educational and anti-globalization theme parks + a series of agro-climatic and agro tourism plant infrastructures all interconnected and spread across the five continents. In the Mediterranean, European and African areas, the project will create a real synergy by the development & interconnection of several local dynamics (cooperation connections) across several countries simultaneously. The business model of the theme parks is the resort’s one as it is a destination for complete stays with all inclusive services such as recreation, hotels, restaurants, experimentations attractions and related services such as museums, research and development centres, exhibitions, conferences, congresses and alternatives schools / universities, etc.
My vision for changing society:
My complete presentation on the “Boards” website/application:
My personal website (includes my entire program and my action plan):
The website of my societal change program named EL4DEV:
My open letter (massively sent worldwide, in French and English – tens of millions of mailings):
My global action plan:
My projects:
The EL4DEV Confederation (new supranational entity with a societal vocation):
Full program web portal:
My action plan for social peace and societal diplomacy:
“Societal diplomacy” concept and the new international relations:
Understand the EL4DEV societal change program:
The digital and audiovisual tools of the EL4DEV program (Information System):
EL4DEV program’s positive social engineering:
Le Papillon Source (EL4DEV program subprogram):
Le Papillon Source concept art?:
The Municipalities counter-attack (EL4DEV program subprogram):
The revitalization of territories thanks to the EL4DEV program:
The vegetal calderas (key modules of “LE PAPILLON SOURCE” labelled infrastructures):
EL4DEV program cross-national cooperation events:
My political program during the French presidential election of 2022:
Why I claim the governance of France:
PDF Platform (access to all documents in PDF format):