I probably have the worst morning routine. Ever.
Paulo Yarisantos
"Faith Without Works Is Dead." The Results Isn't Something That Should Concern You As Much As They Should.
I really got to say that after years in, & years out of trying to formulate a successful morning routine or a program to go by, that I couldn't really devise one up to what I conceived in the mind to be the right process after getting out of bed. So much has happened despite bad morning starts. Things both good & bad. What I have learnt to accept that you just simply do what you can & co-operate with the design structure that gave you the most results. The results doesn't necessarily be the ideal ones at the start just like with many ideas coming to shape in the beginning. You are faced with many things. Concerns with the potential to choke you if you didn't know how to bring it under the light. You get what you are given & so alongside the universal truth of reaping what you sow.
My mornings consist of a cup of coffee, a little water & a cigarette. It has been this way, years in years out from the earlier days of being diagnosed with schizophrenia up to this present day as an everyday creative. What I found was that you shouldn't question the predicaments you are placed in. Walk through hell like you own the place is what a good friend has told me. & it works well when you begin to cooperate with the powers at hand that is purposed to guide you via a spiritual, metaphysical & some quote a supernatural design that promotes an individual's best interest as far as an individuals personal well-being. I've always thought this to be a sincere truth in pattern of thought yet, i couldn't help notice the self-destruction that I always seem to put myself through in earlier years. Yet, this was when I was able to craft a foundation from & have used the Jesus model to be a blueprint to the fallen state I have lived my life in yesteryears, discounting all of the fun of course. Its a choice of perspective & mirror most definitely reflects.
So, when faced with impossibility & you're down to your last defenses, then embrace the hardship & shift your perspective unto higher perceptions & vision confirming your commitment to the heavens we all look up to & ditch the perfectionist within & let your life happen. Doing this daily brings you closer to the zen & utopia that you are forever chasing, faithfully in expectation for positive affirmation/s. Daily. Undyingly. As is above, so below.