The "I" Personality

The "I" Personality

We all know this person in our business or social/professional circle. The all-knowing, all important “I” Personality. The “I” person does two things:

  1. Takes credit for all wins and accomplishments while holding praise received from others as his or her sole accomplishments. They typically do not relay the praise from others to their team.
  2. Places blame on their team when an event or series of events does not go according to plan…”It’s not me…it was them!”

Essentially, they exhibit the opposite qualities one would expect in a leader. However, there are many of these types of leaders in organizations throughout the world. While there is considerable frustration in working and interacting with individuals who see the world as them being the center of it, there are ways to handle this person with civility while still keeping your dignity. 

  1. Accept the fact that this person will not change. Behaviors such as this are latent and there is something bigger going on with this individual (insecurity, how they were raised, lack of trust in others, thinned skinned, etc…). Trying to force a change will not get you what you want and will only make the interaction more frequent and, thus, more unbearable.
  2. Take a deep breath, you will not be working with this individual forever.
  3. Karma has a way of catching up with everyone, especially the “I” person. This behavior will eventually run its course and the smart individuals will see the man/woman behind the curtain and see the person for who they truly are…it just takes time. 
  4. If it is completely unbearable and you just cannot take it anymore, then start to explore other opportunities internally and externally. The world is full of opportunities, do not let the “I” person hold your career back…you can self-promote your skills, accomplishments and value. 

For those getting into a leadership position or are already there, please do not be that leader (it sounds cliché, but don't be that guy/gal). There are 3 fundamental aspects I have learned from military, corporate and entrepreneur mentors that I apply to my own business and work:

  1. The Mission Comes First…Always! The business objectives always come first and foremost. The leader cannot lose sight of what the team is focused on accomplishing. There will be changes and adjustments along the way, but the mission must remain clear, consistent and regularly reinforced. 
  2. The People (i.e. your team). As the leader, it is your job to give your people what they need to accomplish the mission and then stay out of their way (no micromanagement!). Providing the right level of direction, encouragement and celebration of the wins (which the leader’s "team" actually accomplished) is what the leader should consistently bring to the table. 
  3. Myself: If you take care of #1 and #2 in that order, by default, you will be taken care of. 

The “I” guy/gal has their priorities misaligned and puts themselves as #1, the Mission 2nd and their people 3rd. In the end they will eventually be discovered and taken to task by the right person at the right time. 

Do not let interactions with these types of individuals hold you back; and if you are a current leader, please do not be that guy/gal. 

Keep networking…Good people need other good people!

Michael Nicholas

President at P3 Cost Analysts

6 年

Good read, thanks.


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