I observed the Sun for 1 Year, everyday, Here is what I learnt
A researcher dedicated to making ancient wisdom accessible to modern audiences. About Personal Development and Business Development using Spiritual Principles
For the first time in 2023, the sun spoke to me, it was around October 2023, it did not even feel weird, for I felt it was a part of me. So, I made it a habit to be observing the sun CLICK HERE TO FURTHER EXPLORE ABOUT THE SUN and by the end of October, I came into a realization that just by interacting with the sunrise, I was getting information I was not aware about but the information was helpful even in my day to day operations. Meditation became easy, the sun and I were happy to see each other, and this made me want to know more about the sun.
In 2024, I was so committed to observing the sun at specific times, mostly 6–6:30 am and later in the evenings around 5:30pm and I realized the more consistent I was the sun did not shine up the same everyday, everyday, it was the same sun but somehow, it was depicting different colors etc and thus I wanted to know more and spirituality become something I was deeply concerned with, I started reading the bible more, praying more and connecting to the source of the world, truly speaking the sun did draw me to my actual state of consciousness CLICK HERE TO READ MORE ABOUT STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS and I felt as if I was connected to something bigger, more than myself and more than the universe.
So here are the 10 major discoveries I made from consciously interacting with the?sun.
1. Humanity and?Love
I have to say, before I started interacting with the sun, I was ruthless, heartless and did not give much attention to anyone but myself. But when I started interacting with the sun and learned that the sun is the same across the world and it is the greatest equalizer, I started looking at things from a different angle. Feeling of caring more about humanity emerged, for I knew I was not any special and that we are all one and we need to exist as one.?
But how will I know when to show love and when not to, because I have to tell you not all situations are dealt with love, some need some different part of you especially when love is not the option.
So, in order to know when and how and to whom and why, I learnt that in the universe we have something called the Akashic Records and the sun happens to be library number one where the records can be found; here is how.
2. Knowledge from the Akashic?Records
The Akashic Records CLICK HERE TO FURTHER EXPLORE ABOUT THE AKASHIC RECORDS are thought of as an energetic library of information that contains the details of your soul and its journey.?
And apparently, in order to navigate in this world, you need information, for information is?power.?
The more I interacted with the sun, I started to trust my gut feelings, and intuition being like a muscle, like the body muscle, it needs a lot of practice, and decisions I have made from following my gut feeling also increased, the more I interacted with the sun. And thus, I genuinely wanted to know, how is the sun doing it.?
And I learned that the sun has information about you, and it wants to communicate to you, but you have to let it.?
The sun, being the ruler of the day since day 4, knows so much that we cannot comprehend. It can teach you about yourself, actually. If you have read my articles about consciousness, by now you should know that we are all one, and the consciousness in us is one; hence, if it is the same across, the sun did play a big part in making a part of you—but which part of you played a part, or rather, which part of you connects directly with the sun? Masculine energy is the part of you that is directly connected to the sun; that brings me to lesson number THREE.
3. Masculinity Mastery
Masculinity is charged by the sun, look at it this way, everything in this world exists in duality, thus, the law of polarity must prevail. The male energy is the light energy and the dark energy is the female energy.?
Hence, the male energy is charged by the sun and the female energy is charged by the?moon.?
On day 4, when the Ultimate Consciousness made the moon and the sun, He made them rulers of the world, in the different sides of it, and to charge the side you are struggling with you have to relate with the ruler.
So maybe the question arises, how do I use the sun to charge my masculinity. To begin with we need to understand what masculinity entials CLICK HERE TO FURTHER EXPLORE ABOUT MASCULINITY. To master something, you must also master the context of it, and that brings us to our fourth lesson, the different strengths of the sun.
4. The Difference Between Sunrise and Sunset and How to Use?Each
The sunrise and the sunset have 2 different purposes. The sunrise symbolizes new beginnings, the start of something and not just a mere start, if you take an initiative and observe the sun at a specific point in time, let us say you pick 6:15am, somehow you will learn that the sun never shines the same, ever, like it is the same sun, but the way it shines is different, the colors, the look is different, and this gives each and every one of us a start of it.?
The sunrise brings with it the energy vibrations of?action.?
Let us say, there is a project you have been yearning to work on, and cannot seem to start working on it, interacting with the sunrise can activate your need for action.
Whereas the sunset symbolizes the end of an era, the?closing.
And just like the sunrise, it is also not the same everyday for days are different and also I learned that sunset, can awaken a sense of reflection, if you want to meditate about the past occurrences, the sunset can take you through it, since with it comes reflection, take it as being in your death bed, so reflection is a bit awake. And with the phases of the sun, and mastering the different energies from the sun, one can master the fifth lesson and that is the being in state of stillness.
5. Mastering the State of Stillness, the State of?Being
With wrathness that exists in the universe, this does not make the sun stop doing its thing, even. Sorry to say, even when Hitler, Idi Amin and major life massacres have happened throughout history, this did not make the sun shy away, even with some of the greatest occurrences in the world, it does not make the sun start hopping in the sky with joy, it just is.
What am I trying to say, the sun despite what is happening outside it, it still is, does not care really about external influences, it just cares about the internal influence it has on itself, and the responsibility it has, and that is to shine, even when there are clouds etc, it will still be there only that we cannot see it, even during the days there are thunders and so on.?
Hence, just by interacting with the sun, it will help you activate your state of being, the state of being still for what better way to learn stillness, than to interact with the one that has done it and still does and will still do, since day 4 of the universe. Also you can learn more about stillness from Eckhart Tolle Book of Stillness Speaks GET YOUR COPY HERE
And guess what, the sun is ready to teach you, you just have to be ready to be taught, but how can you be open to learn from the sun? You have to master the most basic skill and that is the Art of Breathing.
6. The Art of Breathing
Breathing is not just taking in air and taking it out; it has so much to do with chakra activation and so on. It plays a big role in the mastery of the four elements of the universe. And with the sun, the art of mastering the breath becomes effortless. Look at it this way: when you’re out to see the sunrise, you want to breathe in that fresh air, so somehow you do not do it in your normal breathing style—you have to become more present in order to feel it. You have to be in the state of taking in; and guess what, you will not just be taking in air—you’ll be taking in so much more, such as the ability to be resilient.
7. Resilience
Just as the sun shows up every day regardless of the weather, regardless of what happened yesterday, and still manages to showcase a good view, it made me want to show up every day, unapologetically and despite past occurrences. It gave me a military spirit—a spirit of fighting no matter the circumstance—and it taught me that it is never the end; new beginnings are always there. We just need to look, and truly to it, as I was coming from the sunrise, I would have ideas that would help me in my career growth, for my education and so forth. But with resilience comes the urge to quit, the urge of feeling uneasy, the feeling of not being enough, the feeling of losing hope. But how do we deal with this? Well, the sun got you covered, for with it, it teaches you calmness.
8. Calmness
One thing about nature is that it has balance; and for it to balance the extreme emotions generated by the act of fighting every day—life being in war every day—it gives us a chance of fighting with some peace of mind. The sun will surely heal that aspect of feeling uneasy; it will calm you as long as you let it. But how do we let the sun bring calmness to our soul? Well, it takes practice at listening to it. And by listening, it yields results, and we are able to be productive.
9. Productivity and the Charge of Doing
I remember, it got to a point when I felt that if I did not go for that sunrise, I might not be able to do anything that day; and true to it, days that I did not observe the sunrise ended up being hectic or unproductive. Thus, I made the sunrise moments part of my routine. And it felt like I was charging from an ultimate source, and the whole day I could feel very charged. (How to Boost Productivity Using Nature)
10. Fighting Addiction
Alcohol which is the major sign of hurt masculinity. Ever since I started observing the sun, alcohol became desireless. One thing I have learned about nature, is it has a way of fixing things, mother nature, as nurturing as she is, has a way of rejuvenating anything, and she will take care of us, despite it all, and the way she takes care of alcoholism, is by her sunrays, and not just any sunrays, sunrise sunrays.?
Like I said earlier in this article, masculinity is charged by the sun. And sunrise is the sign for new beginnings, so what is the best way to fight your alcoholism, other than by interacting with nature’s natural therapy, it will heal your soul deeply that you will not need alcohol to cope with reality. There are other addictions, but the main have seen the sun fixing is alcoholism. After interacting with others and I shared my insight, they also shared the same, somehow, just somehow the sun did fix their addictions.
Therefore, your answers about the universe are right in front of your eyes, you just need to look, and sometimes not up, the sunrise and sunset are not straining, they somehow seem horizontal to our eyes, nature has made them easily accessible to us, but we just have to?look.
Disclaimer: This article is based on spiritual and metaphysical concepts. Readers are encouraged to approach the information with discernment and personal judgment.
About the Author: A spiritual seeker and researcher dedicated to making ancient wisdom accessible to modern audiences.
I talk about Personal Development and Business Development using Spiritual Principles
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