i o s 11.0.3 update
Hello Apple fans !
Some of you have been getting in touch with us over the weekend about your Apple updates i O S 11.0.3
Here’s a quick message from Apple:-
“Apple has pushed-out an update to iOS 11 – the third since the mobile operating system was released to iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch owners on September 19th 2017.
The new software fixes a number of issues with the operating system.
Dubbed iOS 11.0.3, the new software update rectifies a problem for some iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus devices, where audio and haptic feedback had stopped working.
It also brings back multi-touch to some iPhone 6S displays.
iPhone owners who had had their display services from providers using parts other than genuine Apple parts – and therefore not replaced with genuine Apple parts – saw touch input become unresponsive with the previous iOS 11 version.
Apple has not revealed any further details about the update.
However, it’s possible there are other software gremlins quashed in this new release.”
Here at Apple mania we only use genuine Apple parts for all of our repairs and replacement.
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