I need your help and this is personal.

I need your help and this is personal.

This is a personal ask. If in some small way, any of my trainings have had an impact on you, I am asking for your help.

I want to share with you about NAPEO Gives Back. The idea for NAPEO Gives Back came from Barron Guss, former NAPEO Chair and the CEO of simplicityHR.

Barron’s idea for NAPEO Gives Back was to find a way for NAPEO and its members to pay it forward and honor the communities where we meet for NAPEO conferences. Simply put, find a local charity and leave it a little better off after NAPEO leaves. NAPEO Gives Back is a formal NAPEO initiative, and this year Barron asked me to be his Co-Chair.

This year’s annual NAPEO Conference is in San Antonio, Texas. San Antonio is also known as Military City, USA. The NAPEO Gives Back committee felt it appropriate to honor a local San Antonio charity that supports the military. We chose Soldiers’ Angels.

The mission of Soldiers' Angels is to provide aid, comfort and resources to service members, veterans, and their families. Soldiers' Angels’ tagline is “May no soldier go unloved ? May no soldier walk alone ? May no soldier be forgotten ? Until they all come home?.” Their mission is my mission.

This is personal. My wife Brandee and I saw our youngest son Tyler off to Army Green Beret Training this month. His entire life, Tyler has always wanted to be in the special forces. We have always supported Tyler’s wish, we simply insisted that he get his college degree first - which he did this past June.?Letting go of this hug was one of the hardest things I have ever done.

The war in Afghanistan, might be over, but for many service members and their families, the battle continues. For some the battle is against, or homelessness, or adapting to non-combat life, or paying bills and hunger.

The goal of NAPEO Gives Back is to support Soldiers’ Angels by feeding more than 11,000 veterans.

To accomplish this, we need to raise $75,000. We need your help. Every dollar counts!

?I am asking you to please support Soldiers’ Angels with a donation. All donations are appreciated regardless of size. Whether you can give $10, $15, $20 or $1,000…every dollar counts and I would consider it a personal favor. You may donate directly to NAPEO's Soldiers’ Angels Page.?

I appreciate you taking the time to consider this ask. With Soldiers’ Angels you have an opportunity to truly make a difference in thousands of brave lives…who ask nothing of us.

If you have any questions about NAPEO Gives Back or Soldiers’ Angels, please call me at 817.247.7732.

Thank you in advance for your support.

Clay Kelley

NAPEO Gives Back, Co-Chair

Just donated. Thanks for sharing Clay! Best of luck to your son!


