"I Need To Think About It"
Alessandro de Rubertis
Dubai since 2012 / Daily Online Networking Events / Dubai Real Estate Investing / English - Italian - Portuguese
Every time a prospect?
tells You:
“I need to think about it” ,
Use my proven script below:
(Make sure you WRITE that down ??
And practice it in front of a mirror???
Or camera until it comes out naturally) ??
“Mr. Client, I am delighted?
you want to think about it?
because obviously you?
would not waste time?
thinking about it unless?
u had a serious interest?
in this product.???
Would u agree Mr. Client?
that the length of time u?
think about anything?
really has NO impact?
on the accuracy?
of the decision????
But rather the?
have at your disposal?
really is the?
With that in mind,?
why don’t we invest?
a few more minutes?
and think about it together?
to make certain?
WE arrive at the most?
accurate decision for you???
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Shout out to ZIG ZIGLAR