I Need Some Space
This is something we say a lot in my house.
My youngest has been shouting "go away!"
To the dog, to me, whoever. So we always correct her and say I need some space.
When they're getting on our nerves and won't leave us alone, we say I need some space. My oldest says it all the time when she's feeling frustrated. It's cute and funny.
So I couldn't help but laugh when I caught myself writing that in my journal today : )
Idk what happened
I had a chain of thoughts before work that quickly started making me spiral. I started questioning everything. I kept asking what if... and everything that followed was pretty life-changing.
All of a sudden I was having several thoughts that were all interrelated but I couldn't keep them straight. I grabbed my journal and started to unpack what was going through my mind. I wrote until I couldn't write anymore.
Then I put my pen down and said I need some space lol
I could have easily pulled that thread all morning but I had shit to do. I could have let that consume my mind but I chose not to.
I got it out of my head and on paper. I freed up my mind to put my attention elsewhere. I had it written down should I need to return to it later.
Then I started working
Before I knew it, I was back to normal. The moment had passed and it no longer consumed me. I created space between myself and the thoughts I was having and the tension dissipated.
It was very satisfying to experience all of that unfold.
It was a good reminder of just how powerful a thought can be. But it was an even better reminder of how strong my will is. I am in control of my thoughts and emotions. I am in control of my life <3
Join me on this journey...
This journal is a nightly look into my experience of manifesting a million dollars - the good, the bad, and the ugly. I will continue writing three nights a week until I have achieved my goal.
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