I Need My Space. I Need My CX.
Sirte Pihlaja, CCXP
CEO I CCXP I AI Whisperer I Trained LEGO? Serious Play? Facilitator I Global #1 BestSelling Author I Top 25 CX Influencer I Keynote Speaker I Board Member I CXPA Finland Lead I CX Champion in Caribbean, Europe & SE Asia
"I need my space" is a NASA slogan that has been stuck in my mind ever since my extracurricular visit to Kennedy Space Center when participating in the Disney CX Summit a few years back in Florida. But it means so much more to me.
On this CX Day, this slogan also translates to me as "I need my CX". I need my CX, as a shorthand, for everything that comes with people experiences. But first and foremost, I need the global network of like-minded CX professionals that I've had the pleasure to get to know - at present even more than ever before. Because no one gets there alone. Even if you want to believe.
Today, for the first time in ten years, I am not in charge of organising a CX Day event. That is not because I did not want to, nor was it because I didn't have the time to do so. I always find the time for gathering people around this discipline, which I am so passionate about. Not being there to show how much we care feels so bad that I feel empty at heart.
I believe in sharing. I believe in helping people connect with each other to make this world of ours a better place for everyone. I believe people who feel supported will free their time and thinking to help others around them, to drive success for everyone.
In fact, missing this very CX Day feels quite devastating, not to say the least. This was supposed to be the year that matters. This was going to be the Big 10th CX Day Celebration. In fact, just about a month ago, we organised the biggest CXPA Finland Hack to date and the first live event in over two years. It is SO important to get back with people, to meet and rejoice with everyone.
We have all been missing out on so much these past years, and the world is in turmoil. We need to stick together more than ever before. We are in dire need of common space to grow.
I had the immense pleasure to plan and deliver two Global CX Days in 2020 and 2021, and we had all the rockstars of the industry join the celebrations. Everyone was willing to pitch in their time and expertise. And oh, how overwhelming it was to learn afterwards from all the feedback and thank you notes we received that we had been able to spread some happiness around the world! Indeed, the Global CX Days were a collaboration between several countries, with guests and speakers joining us from all over the world. A truly global gathering of the best minds in CX and creativity. Those two special CX Days represent to me something I will never forget.
We need these events to meet with others, to share ideas and thoughts and to come together - across borders. Across the borders of people experiences, to combine our thinking and best practices with other disciplines and globally within the community. We need to see each other eye to eye to understand that we are all humans. We need this humanity, sprinkled with some creativity, to thrive. Together.
I need this space, and I need CX. Because I want to believe.