I need my licence
There are sp many pitfalls when it comes to driving especially for those people who need their car to complete their employment duties. many people still travel 1000's of miles each year-not withstanding Skype, Google Hangouts and other such links-because face-to-face is still considered an important part of business.
There are 20 mph zones and 50mph restrictions on dual carriageways and Smart Motorways. It is so easy to get an SP30 that many people face a totting disqualification.
There are a few defences to speeding-emergency and duress and perhaps the defence of necessity and these can also provide an argument for special reasons not to endorse-but if points are accumulated to 12 or more there is really only one argument and that is Exceptional Hardship.
This is not an easy argument to win. There is a proper way of going about such an application. It starts with the Single Justice procedure where information about the reasons for the offence should be provided. This could amount to special reasons not to endorse.
However if required to attend Court it is important to obtain legal advice to ensure that what you are about to say makes legal sense. In essence the best argument is how you not having a licence would affect innocent third parties. Clearly your own circumstances might be relevant and satisfy an argument for Exceptional Hardship but Courts have greatest empathy for those innocent third parties who will suffer exceptional hardship. The hardship must be exceptional and not "run-of-the-mill".
At Emmersons we shall see you and take a statement. We shall tell you what evidence you will need to bring to Court and which witnesses. We may take a statement from the witness. We may advise you to bring a witness to Court. We shall make sure the Court understands you will be arguing Exceptional Hardship so enough time is set aside for the hearing.
We shall explain to you how best to present your case.
Not all firms and not all Solicitors take the time that we do. This has resulted in an 100% record so far in successful Exceptional Hardship cases.
If your case has no hope then we tell you that straight. Not all firms do that either.
There are some organisations operating online who promise the earth, charge a lot of money and don't deliver.
If your case is in Northumbria Police Force area or Durham Police force area then do get in touch-01915676667; [email protected] ; or visit our website emmersons-solicitors.co.uk and use our Motoring Contact form.