I Need to Figure This Out
I received my 1099 from my publisher and it was really sad. I am more in the hole compared to what I made in one year on the sale of my books. Eleven books and to be honest, I made less than pennies on the dollar.
I try to advertise my books on social media, but not too often to cause people to be tired of seeing them. Maybe I need to do this every day than just a few times each month. I don't have the money for a PR person or for professional advertisements. My husband just retired from the military and our pay each month is now half of what it once was.
I know nothing about marketing. I thought my publisher was to do this, and they have been but nothing seems to work. I have tried everything that I can possibly think of doing. I have looked into book fairs and such, but again, lack of funds. I have used copies I have on hand as promotional material for libraries and even churches because some are based on Bible stories. Nada, nothing except getting further and further in the hole. I have tried promotional after promotional, interviews in several newspapers, radio interviews, blog talk radio several times and private book signings. I have read to children in the library. I am at a loss of what to do that will cost very little to nothing to get things rolling.
I get honest feedback from family members that have copies of my books and even had people tell me one should be a movie. So I started looking for someone to talk to about getting it made into a movie, no success. I am at the end of my rope with having any ideas on what to do.
I need to figure this out, but sitting here at ten-thirty at night is not the time to do this. Maybe I should just go to bed, try to get a good night's sleep and try to figure this out in the morning. I do need to figure this out. Better yet, I will just hand this over to God. After all, He is the one that got me into writing stories to begin with and not become the middle school math teacher I once wanted to be.
You're making the right move by handing it over to the Lord. I always have to ask for guidance and He sends me in the right direction which usually means I have to ask myself (again) why am I writing?