I need a certified Microsoft Windows11 expert
I need a certified Microsoft Windows11 expert because of the following.
Two weeks ago, my Microsoft Windows 11 Operating System was hacked. The hacker was able to enter into my MS OP and replace my sign-in information with his thereby locking me out of my Windows 11 OP.
On March 17th this is the response I finally got back from Microsoft support.
Greetings from Microsoft!
This is to confirm receipt of your uploaded files. Please be informed that at this time, the issue is still under investigation. I am unable to provide an estimated timeframe for the resolution; however, I will be sure to keep you updated as to any progress on the open investigation.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused you. Thank you for your patience while we work to resolve your issue.
Microsoft Support
I then informed them that I did?MediaCreationToolW11?and it?did a clean removal of Windows 11. The?partitions?were even deleted. I then went to Best Buy and had a completely new Windows 11 installed. Amazingly the problem now is that I?still?cannot log back into my original username [email protected]?because:
1. When I [email protected]?to log-in the Microsoft system cannot find it??
2.?HOWEVER?when I attempt to create a new account [email protected]?I cannot do that either [email protected]?it already exists in the Microsoft system??
How is this possible? these are contradictory comments? They cannot?both?be true???
This must be, it has to be, a very embarrassing issue for you. Someone, outside of Microsoft, has figured out how to successfully deleted my email and replaced it with his BUT you cannot figure out how he did that so that you can?now?replace his email with mine!! He is proving, has proven that he understands your Microsoft System better than you do.?
Please tell me you are going to find this guy and pay him to resolve this issue!?
James W Peterson