I need this back by 2 pm EST TODAY!
I need this back by 2 pm EST TODAY!
Living in your COZYYYYYY comfort zone: nothing ever happens nor will ever happen. Tomorrow becomes next week. Next week turns into next month. Next month leads to next year. Then next year leads to five, ten and even twenty years of no action. Until eventually, the life you truly desired to live becomes a distant memory. You can’t afford to fall into the trap of “someday” because it may never come. You cannot afford to exhaust your precious time and energy living in a comfort (DEAD END) zone. Complacency will keep you locked in a comfort zone forever.
Comfort Zones=Moldy Breads (CAN BECOME EXTREMELY DANGEROUS) produce hazardous substances, microscopic fungi, fungal poisons.
Stagnant Career Growth???
Have I reached my “peak” in my company? How to overcome it quickly?
Getting Unstuck: Moving Beyond? Moving Forward?
Why is this happening to YOU?
Is it your limiting beliefs?
Your work colleagues and leadership teams truly don't inspire you to collaborate one on one with them?
Is it your lack of skills, knowledge, resources?
Is it your lack of information?
Your lack of time? focus? drive? interest level?
Your lack of confidence? time management?
Your lack of motivation? energy?
Your Why?
What is truly holding you back from achieving career success and progression?
Write away, review and time yourself for a FULL 5 MINUTES! Be truly honest with yourself!
“For things to reveal themselves to us, we need to be ready to abandon our views about them.” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh
"According to the dictionary, a breakthrough is an act of overcoming an obstacle or resistance or a major achievement of success that permits further progress. From the way I see it, a breakthrough represents a moment that breathes life. It is an “aha” moment, a never before instant. It brings about transformation, clarity, and insight. It results in a paradigm shift." ~ Thich Nhat Hanh
"Your career is your business. It's time for you to manage it as a CEO." – Dorit Sher
Always Be Leveraging Your Career Experience and Power To Do The Impossible!