I Miss My Ex Boyfriend So Much But He Hates Me (I Miss My Ex Boyfriend But He Doesn't Want Me Back)

I miss my ex boyfriend so much but he hates me - I miss my ex boyfriend but he doesn't want me back.?

Do you want to discover 3 sneaky methods that will teach you how to get your ex boyfriend to beg and plead for YOU back, not the other way around? Breaking up is one of the worst pains on earth. Especially if he broke up with you when you still loved him. It is natural to want to get an ex back, and what's even better is, it CAN be done!

I still remember when my ex broke my heart, even though it was years ago, I remember it like it was yesterday. And yes I did a LOT of things wrong. I would just sit there all day in my room listening to songs on the radio that were "our" songs, and it made me cry over and over. But the thing is, it actually made me feel better in some weird sort of way.

The thing is, one thing I noticed was that the more I would call and just hear his voice, the more and more disgusted and sick of me he seemed to get. And I finally realized, that I was pushing way too hard! So I decided to change everything, and just pull back and give him some breathing room, and you know what? It worked!

The crazy thing is, my boyfriend actually wanted to get back together about 2 months after the break-up! Why? Because I stopped all the begging, crying, and all that stuff and started being the happy, positive person I naturally am, and this drew him to me like a moth to a flame! By then, I had moved on however. But it has been almost 2 years since then and me and my boyfriend are amazing friends!

Here are 3 Sneaky Tactics that will have your ex running back to you in no time!

#1 Use reverse psychology. All relationships are based on psychology. So use that to your advantage! The truth is, millions of couples are able to get back together every day! So remember this, whatever caused you and your boyfriend to break up, another couple somewhere has been through the same thing, and gotten through it. Your situation is far from hopeless I promise you that, as I have been in your shoes once before!

#2 Live your own life for now. If you just focus on living your own life for right now and try to not interfere with his, this will make you look extremely good. The reason for this is that desperate people who just need to latch onto others, are not very attractive people at all, so avoid this!

#3 Use male psychological triggers. Male psychological triggers are a way for you to get under your boyfriends skin so to speak, so that he will want to crawl back to you fast!

Just anything in life, there is a correct way to do it for best results. Break ups are no different. Depending on how you handle the situation and how you do things, he will either want to come back to you, or be gone forever. It is up to you to get the right information and tools to help you succeed.

But be warned, don't make the foolish mistake that a lot of girls make, thinking that you know him the best so you magically know what it takes to win him back. No, after a break up everything changes, and you really need the help of someone who knows what they are talking about, a relationship or love expert is the best choice.

If you want to learn how to get your ex boyfriend to literally beg for you to come back, you need to learn how to press his male psychological hot-buttons.

Imagine where you could be in a short while - with your ex back in your arms, and you will never have to let go again. It is very possible, and it is easy to do. For proven step by step systems that will have you back with your ex in no time, Visit Ex Back Secret

Common Mistakes to Avoid When You Want Your Ex Back

When you want to get an ex back after you've broken up, be careful to avoid the following four mistakes that can make your ex detest you more and avoid you in the process. Don't worry, avoiding these mistake will be easy once you know what they are.

Mistake 1 - Begging Your Ex

Begging not only makes you look needy, but also affirms your ex that the breakup was right.

The truth is, nobody wants to be in a relationship with a very needy person as it leads to problems. You will also look shameful when you beg your ex to get back together with you. So not only will you not get an ex back, but you'll also lose the respect that your peers have for you by begging, so don't.

Mistake 2 - Allowing Your Pride to Stand in Your Way

The way to get an ex back will be difficult of neither party is willing to give in to the other. So in order for things to work between you and your ex, one of you needs to take the higher road.

If you need to be the one, then don't let your pride stand in the way. Decide to humble yourself and give in. A person who is unwilling to compromise is difficult to deal with. So if you want to get an ex back, humble yourself first. You'll be surprised to see your ex following suit afterward.

Mistake 3 - Getting Into a Jealous Rage

Movies often portray that in order to get an ex back, making your ex jealous by letting him/her catch you on a date with someone else is the way to go. But in reality, doing that will only make your ex detest you more.

When you're making your ex jealous on purpose, your ex will most likely figure that out. And once it happens, you can kiss your chances of getting back together goodbye.

Mistake 4 - Getting Into a Fierce Confrontation With Your Ex

Fighting doesn't help to get an ex back, and that applies to everyone.

Breakups are always painful to both parties, so you need to make sure that when you and your ex decide to talk about trying out your relationship again, avoid becoming confrontational. This usually happens when you are bent on getting an apology from your ex for the issues that led to the break up.

Remember that you are there to get an ex back, not play the blame game. Talk about your problems in a non-hostile way to avoid any miscommunication and misunderstanding.

The above tips are just four of the most common mistakes that you need to avoid in order to ensure that you increase your chances of getting back with your ex. If you know your ex well, and knows what he dislikes, then use that to think about more mistakes to avoid in order to get an ex back.

Do You Truly Wish You Can Get Back Together with Your Ex?

Relationship is a fragile bond that when it's broken, the process of mending can be much more difficult than creating it in the first place. Sometimes it's an extremely difficult task to sort out all the problems and get back together with your ex. No matter how many times you come up with different reasons and approaches, your ex does not seem to change the decision to leave you. If you’d like to get your hands on a step-by-step method for changing your ex's decision about the breakup, click here!

Let me show you exactly what to do to salvage your relationship and rekindle the lost love one more time…even if you're the only one trying…and even if the situation seems hopeless. Head over now to Get Your Ex Back Secrets


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