I made you a present for my birthday!

I made you a present for my birthday!

No, seriously. If you’re seeing this the day it goes up, my 40th birthday is today.?

*If not, just know that my birthday is September 29th and I turned 40 in 2022. That’ll help orient you in the completely-made-up human construct that is time, in relation to when you are.

And I really did make you a present! ??

I’ve been working on it for a little while now. And it has come together beautifully.?

It’s a nontraditional, delightfully subversive, community-supported, authentic as fuck SALES SCHOOL.??

It’s called Selling U.

*Get it? It’s like “Selling University,” but for folks who are the name/face of their business…so like, “selling YOU.” – Of course you get it. You didn’t need that explanation. I know. But just in case, you got it anyway. It’s called overdelivery. ??

Within Selling U, there are two pathways to choose from:

  1. Sales Soiree - A six-week journey into authentic selling. Because “closing the deal” and “overcoming objections” is bullshit, and to be good at SALES is not about learning how to manipulate people.?
  2. Magic & Mutiny - A three-month deep dive into something you want to sell. Maybe it’s an offer you’ve been working with for a while, but that you haven’t gotten to sell like you hoped. Or maybe it’s a brand new offer that you’re adding, and you’re putting it together from scratch.?

In Selling U, we’re turning the concept of SALES on its head. We’re infusing it with some fierce feminism. We’re stripping away the hustly bullshit. And we’re dismantling the oppressive, hierarchical, antiquated ideas of what SALES is “supposed to be” in order to create meaningful, connected, trusted relationships with ourselves, our businesses, and our clients.?

Wanna know what each of the pathways looks like? Because I’m SUPER excited to tell you about them! ??

Sales Soiree: You know all the shitty ways people “sell” stuff? The pushiness, the catchy phrases, the incessant “won’t take no for an answer” nonsense, and the saying your name over and over again to “build rapport” (even though what it builds is annoyance)?

And you know that gross feeling you get when you think of things like “overcoming objections” that makes you feel like you’re trying to manipulate the other person into giving you money for something they don’t want??

The work we do together - in community - in the Six Week Sales Soiree calls bullshit on all of that.?

Can that stuff work for some people? Sure. And if it works for you, great. If that’s the case, this isn’t the program for you. Carry on about your merry way.?

If you’re NOT into all of that, though, I’d like to invite you to take part in a six-week dismantling of what you’ve always *thought* sales meant, so that we can redefine it in a way that suits you.

Because I don’t want to teach you to sell in high-pressure ways.?

And I also don’t want to teach you to sell like ME.

I want to teach you to sell like YOU.

Over the course of our six weeks together, we’ll have weekly coaching/strategizing calls as a group, along with co-working sessions to engage in some hands-on “work” time together.?

You’ll have a non-punitive accountability structure, to help ensure you stay on track.?

And you’ll get plenty of application practice. Which, honestly, is the thing I see that’s missing from so many sales coaching programs.?

It’s not that theory isn’t great! It is! But the music theory classes I took as an undergrad did not teach me how to play piano. Actual piano lessons and practicing the application from those lessons are what taught me how to play piano. So in all of the Selling U pathways, application practice with a non-punitive accountability structure is built into the foundation.??

Oh! And celebration. Did I mention celebration? Because that’s the heart of it all!?


Because celebration along the way is what helps you be willing to celebrate when you accomplish something big. And if you don’t celebrate along the way, you’ll bypass the accomplishment like it’s just another box to tick on your never-ending to-do list.?

So we celebrate. And we do it together. Because you deserve to be celebrated in community.?

I’m offering the Sales Soiree one final time in 2022, and it requires a $600 investment. That price will go up in 2023; however, should you choose to take part in this next round, you’ll be locked in at the $600 price for as many times as I offer it. So if you like the experience and want in on future rounds, you’ll still pay the intro price, even when the price goes up.?

DM me to tell me you’re in for the Soiree and I’ll send you the registration form. We start mid-October.

Magic & Mutiny: Doesn’t that just SOUND like something you want to be part of? ??

If you’re practically oriented, consider this your mastermind. And if you’re witchy, consider it your coven.?

Somewhere in between? Well, my darling love bug, then you’re MY people, and this is definitely for you.?

Magic & Mutiny is a three-month deep-dive into YOUR business.?

We start off with an hour - just you and me - so I can get a feel for what it is that you offer and where you are in your business. We’ll explore your strengths, what you love about your business, what you’d like to create, and everything in between.?

We’ll also dig into the patterns that are holding you back from creating what it is that you want.?

And you’ll walk away from that call with a solid action plan for the three months we’re working together.?

Like the Sales Soiree, you’ll have weekly group coaching/strategizing calls, weekly co-working sessions, a non-punitive accountability structure, plenty of application practice, a supportive community, and TONS of celebration.

Plus, you and I will have a monthly check-in that’s focused exclusively on your initial action plan.?

And my favorite part? I’m inviting you to Kansas City at the end of our three months for a celebratory retreat!?

(Seriously, my retreats are the stuff of legend. You WANT to be there! I’m super into customization, so you’re gonna feel very special.)?

The investment for Magic & Mutiny is $3,500. It includes our three months of focused work together, as well as the entire retreat - INCLUDING your lodging, food, celebration of your creations and accomplishments during the three months, envisioning what you want to create next, AND a photo shoot with my brilliant photographer, @elementsphotostudio_.?

So you’re gonna want to bring a POWER outfit for day 2. ???

This also kicks off in October, and the retreat is mid-January.?

DM me to tell me you’re in for Magic & Mutiny and I’ll send you the registration form. Spots are extremely limited because the venue I’ve chosen has just a few rooms and we’re taking over the whole place.

I am so delighted to be able to introduce you to Selling U. It has truly been such a pleasure to put together. And the pathway participants have gotten SO MUCH from it already! So now it’s time to release it to the world and let you in on this secret magic we’ve been playing with.?

If you’re into nontraditional ways of doing business and turning oppressive structures on their head, this is for you. And I cannot wait to invite you into our Selling U community.?

Though I do have a firm price for the Selling U pathways, as part of my commitment to dismantling oppressive business practices and capitalism as a whole, I am offering payment plans for both the Six Week Sales Soiree and the three-month deep-dive of Magic & Mutiny.?

Slide on into my DMs and I’ll get you the registration form.

I truly cannot wait to work with you and help you build a business that feels like YOU.


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