I Made a Promise
Elaine Godley
DISC Expert and Trainer | Master Health and Life Mentor | Empowering individuals and organisations through behavioural insights
The phone rang.?My stomach churned with fear, trepidation and yet excitement too.
Relief took over when my hospital consultant announced that I was clear of stage IV cancer.
We were in the kitchen at Home Farm.?It was October 2015.?Mum and I hugged and cried together.?
She stood up, held my hands, looked me straight in the eyes and said, “Promise me you will tell everyone how to beat cancer.?Promise me.?You must tell everyone how to heal.?Say it. Say you promise!”
In fact, Mum wouldn’t let go of my hands.?She shouted at me until I said out loud, “I promise to tell everyone how they can heal themselves.”
Six and a half years later, I’ve finally launched The Perfect Health HUB with the assistance of my clever buddy and co-founder Jessica Prime.
It’s early days, yet already The Perfect Health HUB contains hundreds of golden nuggets on how to reverse so many conditions which can and do lead to a miserable life for millions of people.
What I promised wasn’t quite right though because we can’t heal ourselves. Our body does that all by itself when you provide it with the right environment.
?Despite western medics claiming otherwise, there are multiple treatment choices available when considering how to support the body to heal itself.
Treatment availability and choices vary from postcode to postcode, from doctor to doctor, and condition to condition.?No two situations are the same despite similarities. No two bodies are the same.?And so, why do we expect treatment choices to be the same??
There is no one-size-fits-all remedy for any condition on the planet because our physical bodies and our mental strength capacities are so different (more about this in another article).
Allopathic medicine typically treats the body with drugs or surgery.
Alternative is usually considered to utilise totally natural remedies of which there are many.?
Complementary and integrative approaches are what the words suggest – an adjunctive combination according to what the owner of the body prefers.
?In three of the four cancer episodes I have experienced, I took an integrative approach which depended upon my knowledge, experience, and training at the time.
For several bouts of skin cancer on my face, following diagnosis, I used a totally natural solution.?
For a serious and rare kidney disease I was born with in 1957, I beat it completely naturally when I was introduced to the powers of chiropractic and nutritional solutions in my mid-forties.
Now in my mid-sixties, I am so proud to boast the energy and optimism of a 25-year-old and combine the wisdom, experience and training that grows with me daily to help myself and countless others in fulfilling the promise to my late Mother.
Even had I not made the solemn promise, I am duty bound both ethically and morally to share what I know so that others may enjoy an improvement in their circumstances.
Following many years of providing volunteer guidance and support to literally hundreds of individuals and families, I’ve noticed patterns of behaviour which I’ve developed into a support and recovery programme.?
Step by step, it’s potentially possible to reverse most conditions when detected soon enough and action is taken.?Even in cases of late diagnosis and when people have been literally told to go home and put their affairs in order, I’ve worked with individuals for them to gain extra time and extra quality of life.?In some cases, we’ve turned the ship around as in my own case – more than once!
By action I don’t mean diving straight into surgery which I was frightened into.?I simply mean taking a step back to consider options, do some research and follow the path on which your intuition guides you.
How often have you reflected in hindsight and regretted a decision which went against your initial ‘feelings’?
Typically, we make decisions on emotion, then justify with logic.?The logical argument is often accompanied by well-meaning friends, colleagues, and family piling on the pressure to conform to a standard of treatment which is pushed as a mainstream solution.
This heavy pressure is upon the vulnerable person, even though none of the well-wishers are likely to truly know the first thing about your condition nor your personal situation or even your deeply held beliefs.
Fear is usually their driver.?Fear of losing you. Fear of you making the wrong decision in their view.?Really??You are told, doctor knows best. Really. Do they??
Have you seen a GP recently??Did you know that a GP without a computer in this modern world is completely at sea??Yes, you do know. You’ve seen them google your symptoms, then insult you with a printout and tell you to contact various support agencies – many of whom are so stretched they never even answer the telephone.
So, what do you do??Where do you start?
When mainstream everybody and everything push very hard towards a standard size 6 shoe for ladies and size 9 for men, and your GP sends you away with a printout and a handful of prescriptions to ‘try’ – as happened to a client of mine recently (seven, yes 7 prescriptions, with no diagnosis despite many bloods tests that were all ‘inconclusive’), it can be worrying and confusing.
The Perfect Health HUB comprises a growing DIY repository of tools, techniques, videos, downloads, interviews and recommendations to many different resources and people and accessible to all.
HUB membership includes 24/7 access to all resources, health goal setting group calls, weekly accountability check-in calls, free group networking, health education presentations, webinars with expert speakers including doctors, free health consultations, discounts on preferred supplier resources tools and services, including the legendary Perfect Health Retreats and more.
If you’d like to take control of your own positive health outcome, then please listen to your body.?It knows what it needs. If you need support, then check out the perfect Health HUB updates and links for this week. https://api.transpond.io/api/preview?key=a56f2e11f7f57f2e7e5b60528ad43ac2c293f36d0c931b6d146238147d40f36d_59e001154b06fd90710860efdc518f72
Elaine Godley MBA, O.A. Dip (Psych) is a multi-award winning, multi-published best-selling author, health mentor, public speaker, DISC behaviour expert and founder of The Perfect Health HUB https://apps.fliplet.com/perfect-health