I love you

I love you

You are wonderful.

You are doing amazing!

I'm truly proud of you for how far you've come in the past couple of months.

But you've got a long journey ahead of you.

Here are some things I should be doing/more of:

  • Listen to a money meditation daily - I have a 13-minute guided meditation I used to listen to that worked well when I first started working for myself. I had trouble getting it onto my phone but It's time to fix that!
  • More affirmations - I've been doing less of these in general because I don't have a structured routine around it - I do so more during my existing morning routine but less lately. It needs to be a written exercise.
  • More gratitude - and add this to the list while I'm at it. If I don't commit to writing it down, it won't always get done. I started a gratitude journal but it only lasted one day. The funny part is I felt GREAT doing it. So why not more? Let's change that too : )

I've said that there are two sides to this coin and I think that manifestation is the more important of the two.

My strategy feels right. I see everything falling into place.

But I've become too focused on the how.

I need to get back to why.

I need to focus on the feeling. I need to let go and just let the universe carry me to my goal.

I need to put more focus on self-healing and love. To make myself strong so that when opportunity presents itself, I am ready for it.

I have been tied to my ego. I have been focused on the self.

My resolve has been low, I've been less disciplined, less patient, more emotional.


Even right now, I keep writing "I am" words that I no longer want to be associated with. I had to go back and edit them because that's what I need to do.

I need to edit my life.

I don't believe the things I have been telling myself but I find myself saying them anyway. That's not good for me : /

I need to be more intentional about the words I say.

Every word shapes our reality.

The human mind is fucking crazy - it's literally a quantum engine...

Like the ultimate technology we're trying to build, turns out, we're all born with it lol. Like over 7 Billion little quantum engines floating around in bodies, co-creating the experience of this planet. We are literally creating the reality around us, together.

If that's not cool, idk what is!

I just want to take a moment and appreciate that.

Perspective is everything.

Join me on this journey...

Welcome to the Manifest a Million Challenge . I am manifesting $1M working for myself this year. This newsletter is a daily look into my progress, plans, and thoughts throughout it all.

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Here's to getting better and better every day ??


