I Love You
I Love You
Did I mention that Saturday's are my favourite day of the week ?
Yesterday at around 14:00 a notification popped up and disappeared so fast on my laptop however I had caught a glimpse of the day, FridayI could not believe my eyes, I just had to pull up the date to double check, ngempela indeed Friday. I got so excited because in that moment the universe was whispering to me "Do you know what tomorrow is?" I was already satsified with my day and then excitement just washed over me. My favourite day of the week is coming up. Now dont get me wrong I enjoy everyday, Like Sunday is a day dedicated to my heart's se punt, Mondays I am off. Each day has its own dedication and I love all of the inbetweens each holds, So on Saturday's I still get to do what I am passionate about however I share it with my babies. Oh bless their hearts. I look forward to experiencing them and share in the blessings of the universe. I take what I do with them seriously and have the most utmost respect for them. One of the ways I engage in what fills me up in ways that reinvest into my wellness....
Last week I put it out there that I absolutely love Saturdays on my whatsapp. I went off on a tangent, speaking about why I love it so much. I thanked the universe for making this initiative a reality in my life, how it always conspires on my behalf and ensures that all the things that drive me, makes me so passionate about being present in this lifetime, what makes me happy truly happy, before I even have to ask, moved on my behalf because the universe knows me so well and made this happen. I am grateful for everyone who partook and played their part to ensure that a special delivery is delivered before I even knew to ask for it.
I have written so much about love, what moves me when it comes to a healthy relationship, the inbetweens and no betweens, this place that resides inside my dreams, inside my heart, is in my mind all day where the grass is green all year, my sacred oasis, Indawoyami by Zamajobe contextualizes it so perfectly for me. I love how life loves me back. And regardless of anything transpiring, how safe its made me feel and just how much it has proven to always keep me safe. The relationship that I have with the universe is the same type of relationship I have with myself. I am in union with source, in so many ways.
Love language, the universe knows my love language and sure case always is on point in honoring them, I too in turn honor the universe back in the way I move in relation to it.
Last week, not prompted by anything besides being my normal self, one of the things that makes me an extraordinary lover is the way I make people feel, my lovers have gotten this aspect of my beingness. I have this uncanny ability to see or should I just say know what the person needs from me and I have delivered, this is how I look at it, its okay that some might have not known what they needed however just as the universe acts on all our behalf I have been exactly that. That the other attribute I have when is comes to my Makhambi'Onke aspect of my beingness. I have always been in synche with life you see. To me this realization always kept me speaking on what needed to be spoken on, im just like that. And I love that about me, it makes me an active participant and citezen of life, its how I am able to percieve events for what they truly are and not how they may looked. This is how I found balance with sharing the word that wasnt commonly spoken of and in turn freed not only me but everyone I have ever encounted. I like the reaffirmation that is life.
So, to me, having gushed over Saturday, Saturday showed me in so many ways, dedicated itself to me so that I can do what I love to do. Today, one of my precious gifts had a gift for me. This morning I woke up at exactly the time that her mum vn'd me " The kids are asking if its okay to come through" I had orginally wanted to begin the sessions at 10:00 AM, to start as earliest as possible while still cognisant that they had been waking up for the school week and weekends are meant for them to rest however because of the plight of the reality we live in, one of the reasons for starting this apart from empowering them, it was with knowledge and awareness of the type of homes our kids live in, parent dealing with life but also for their protection mostly, my decision and objective was to ensure their safety. I know that I am an oasis, the wings that protect from life in it forms. Just as God promises to cover us under his wings in times of storms, my objective was to be as my God inside, reflect the attributes of my personal experience that I have with source. Its was me being me, a piece and part of the ever unfolding expresssion of God. I am so aligned, isikwama sami sihlambukile its so beautiful the many realizations that come with the awareness that I have about my relationship that I have with me and the universe. Its truly amazing hey. However pushed it to 11:00 because my team also needed to get here and it would mean they had to wake up extra early. I speak of home/worklife, it is important to me that I dont indoctrinate my kids when I am in the business of creating new narratives for us, so move it over to 11:00. Since we began this year, the kids come through at the original intended time, I didnt have to do anything to work hard for it, the universe made it happen because I trusted in my process and move in inspired ways. I move when my heart asks me to move.
The universe, through babygirl's desires to thank me for holding space for he became a conjuate and a means for the universe to honor us both. Her to gift me(to date since started, they always get prezzies) This to me was her saying thank you in ways that she was inspired to do so without having spent any money. Before writing this article, I had a session with my daughter(I just remembered to share an article of one of the morning lessons I had with her whilst she was getting ready for school, others ways for us to bond whilst her request of being trained so that she can do what I do, she wanted to begin living her purpose and spirit makes it happen for us all the damn time!) Energy clearance for the relationship with abundance, It was important for me that she undertands and is also empowered and equipped with the necessary tools to be present in life and also I know that she is okay and can thrive outside of me. I really really really love being a parent, her parent however my kiddies also recieve this gift. Amanono ami madoda This to me drives me. Its so easy to love and be loved in return, best when allowance for the inflow and outflow of love, absolutely amazing hey... So baby girl has a tree kubo that is blossoming, she found the blossoms to be so beautiful and wanted to share with me her personal gift. Just look at the them, and so carefully picked because none of them are squashed and she presented them to me and i excitedly accepted my gift. I have placed them in my special place that where I Sis'Dolly my guides, lord knows they hear an earful from me . I love how my guides are so accepting of me and let me be myself with them. I dont need to wear wraps, dress a certain way. I literally can come to them in a vest wearing my summer shots and we have a good time.
I must say, I am thoroughly enjoying my relationship with spirit. There was a time that I was so dishearted by many events and stll trust and have full faith in their deliverance. Yesterday, I got feedback from one of the Divine Femines about how much has changed for her since our last session and I am delighted by the unfolding of her own journey. Yho spirit is amazing.
Thank You Saturday for the gift, I absolutely love it. Flowers are my love language, giffs are my love language, being appreciated is my love langugae, recognition is my love langauage, spending time with me is my love language, it thrives me, I am like a flowerr being watered and have sweet nothings spoken to me. The universe knows me too well and honors me in all the ways that I am. I feels good to just feel good and whats better is when goodiness gifts me with more to feel good about... My music list is popping as I type, I shall share at the bottom and maybe mediate in the song and the post will make so much more sense...
The greatest, juiciest, most fulfilling sweetest love story, A journey to the center of the earth, center to me, center to the universe. Zion, I am talking about Zion.
Yesterday I shared about the seeds planted coming into fruition. I have been seeing all of it, all day everyday. Today we honor Saturday saying "I Love you too". When people tell you that they love you, its spoken in many ways. I read spirit and understand the language of love. Healthy Relationships take on all forms, its up to you to see. I see and speak the way I know how best too.
???: Ayanda Pamela(Yandz) Mkhize
??18 March 2023 - I Love You
Recommended Playlist: Lira - Feel Good & Believer, Thandiswa - Nizalwa Ngobani, Zamajobe - Ndawo Yami, Soa Mattrix & Mashudu - Mina Nawe, Anthony Hamliton - Her Heart, Unathi - Thembisile, Lady Lamar - Collide, Bucie - Rejoice (Feel good session, slow version), Zonke - Feelings