“I Love Temptation”
(W)ord 1st Corinthians 10:13 “There has no temptation taken you but that which is common to man. But God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that which you are able; but with the temptation He will also make a way to escape…”
(O)bservation A couple of W.O.R.D.s back I posted “Quit Looking Down”. Referring to my weight scale. I was starting to get upset because it started moving in the wrong direction, even though I was trying to be faithful with my food intake and exercising.
As I mentioned, one of my life coaches told me to Quit Looking Down at the Numbers and focus on what you know you should do and the numbers will drop. I made a vow that I would not step on the scale or look at the number for 30 days. Well every morning I have to walk by the scale. It keeps yelling at me; “Hey! I’m still here.” This is my 3rd morning and when I walked by, “I Just Walked By”.
(R)esponse So many times I feel my worth is what other people say. That is a lie out of the pit of hell and smells like smoke, as my wife would say. I need to focus on the scale my Best FRIEND puts before me and see what His Response would be to my faithfulness. As 1st Samuel 16:7 says; “Man looks on the OUTWARD appearance but God looks on the HEART.” So now instead of looking down, I look up.
(D)ialogue LORD and my Best FRIEND, thank You for Your kind love. Thank You that You have told me that You understand the temptations that come before me and if I will just keep looking up and pressing forward, even the numbers on the scale will have to submit to Your will.
It is in Your Name I pray. We will talk soon and often and I will be listening. YOUR TURN
(Take Away) Challenge yourself today to just keep walking.