I love my job : )
Sunday 7/21/19...
This week is a little bit different than the rest. First off, who the hell starts their workweek on a Sunday?! That's a first even for me. But let me give you a little bit of context...
We got down to LBI yesterday afternoon and have a house down here for the week - Saturday to Saturday, 3 houses from the ocean. We've been pretty active lately with vacation and travel, so my goal is to not have that impact my client hours for this week. I'm scrapping everything else, well, I guess except for these posts.
But if I want to motivate myself and get up early, it's a must. I figure if I wake up early and knock out a few hours each day, I should be able to hit my 30 hours of client work. Hence getting started on a Sunday. The plan is to work from 7 to noon each day which will get me to my goal.
I started my morning today with a quick run on the beach, which was a really nice change of pace and a great way to get the day started. We'll be drinking most days we're down here so I don't know if I'm going to be able to swing it every morning, but we'll see what happens.
I think there's a few gloomy days this week, so I'll try and stockpile some hours whenever I find some downtime. Because let's be honest, there's going to be at least one night where I'm up late, trashed. There's no way I'm getting up at 6am after that!
Today should be easy though since no one else is 'in the office'. I'll set myself up a bit for the week. I already did so briefly on Friday, but I can do my research and get everything queued up and ready to send out tomorrow.
Right now it's quiet here, but there's 10 of us and 2 dogs in this house. Give it a few hours and I'll have to relocate to a place with a bit less chaos. For now, I'll enjoy my view of the sun coming up for the day and the breeze coming off the ocean : )
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This is an entry from my personal daily journal. I recently left the 9-5 to work for myself - something I've dreamed of for as long as I can remember. It's my hope that these posts inspire anyone looking to do the same or shed some light on what this journey is really like.
- Check out my first post for more: This is for you (but mostly for me)
- Subscribe for a weekly recap and other awesome content!
Thanks for reading!
- DM